लिप्यंतरण:( Qul yaaa aiyuhan naasu innee Rasoolul laahi ilaikum jamee'anil lazee lahoo mulkus samaawaati wal ardi laaa ilaaha illaa Huwa yuhyee wa yumeetu fa aaminoo billaahi wa Rasoolihin Nabiyyil ummiy yil lazee yu'minu billaahi wa Kalimaatihee wattabi'oohu la'allakum tahtadoon )
57. इस आयत का भावार्थ यह है कि इस्लाम के नबी किसी विशेष जाति तथा देश के नबी नहीं हैं, प्रलय तक के लिए पूरी मानव जाति के नबी हैं। यह सबको एक अल्लाह की वंदना कराने के लिए आए हैं, जिसके सिवा कोई पूज्य नहीं। आपका चिह्न अल्लाह पर तथा सब प्राचीन पुस्तकों और नबियों पर ईमान है। आपका अनुसरण करने का अर्थ यह है कि अब उसी प्रकार अल्लाह की उपासना करो, जैसे आपने की और बताई है। और आपके लाए हुए धर्म विधान का पालन करो।
158. Say: “O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah — to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. None has the right to be worshipped but He. It is He Who gives life and causes death. So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write, who believes in Allah and His Words, and follow him so that you may be guided.”
Allah says to His Prophet and Messenger Muhammad ,
(Say), O Muhammad,
(O mankind!), this is directed to mankind red and black, and the Arabs and non-Arabs alike,
(I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah,) This Ayah mentions the Prophet’s honor and greatness, for he is the Final Prophet who was sent to all mankind ﴿and the Jinns﴾. Allah said,
(Say, “Allah is Witness between you and I; this Qur’an has been revealed to me that I may therewith warn you and whomsoever it may reach.”) ﴿6:19﴾,
(but those of the sects that reject it, the Fire will be their promised meeting place)﴿11:17﴾, and,
(And say to those who were given the Scripture and to the illiterates (Arab pagans): “Do you (also) submit yourselves (to Allah in Islam)” If they do, they are rightly guided; but if they turn away, your duty is only to convey the Message.) ﴿3:20﴾ There are many other Ayat and more Hadiths than can be counted on this subject. It is also well-known in our religion that the Messenger of Allah was sent to all mankind ﴿and the Jinns﴾. Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Ad-Darda’ said, “Abu Bakr and `Umar had an argument in which Abu Bakr made `Umar angry. So `Umar went away while angry and Abu Bakr followed him asking him to forgive him, but `Umar refused. `Umar shut his door closed in Abu Bakr’s face and Abu Bakr went to the Messenger of Allah while we were with him. The Messenger of Allah said,
(This fellow of yours (Abu Bakr) has made someone angry! `Umar became sorry for what he did, went to the Prophet and greeted him with the Salam and sat next to him, telling him what had happened. The Messenger of Allah became angry (at `Umar), and realizing that, Abu Bakr said, `O Allah’s Messenger! It was me who was unjust.’ The Messenger of Allah said,
(Will you leave my Companion (Abu Bakr) alone! I said, `O People! I am the Messenger of Allah to you all,’ and you said, `You lie,’ but Abu Bakr declared, `You said the truth.’)” Al-Bukhari recorded it. Imam Ahmad recorded that Ibn `Abbas said that the Messenger of Allah said,
(I have been given five things which were not given to any Prophet before me, and I do not say it out of pride. I was sent to all mankind (their) black and white alike. Allah made me victorious by fright, (by His frightening my enemies) for a distance of one month’s journey. The spoils of war are lawful for me, yet it was not lawful for anyone else before me. The earth has been made for me (and for my followers) a place for praying and a thing to perform purification with. I have been given the Shafa’ah (right of intercession), and I saved it for my Ummah on the Day of Resurrection. Therefore, the Shafa’ah will reach those who associate none with Allah in worship.) This Hadith’s chain of narration is suitable, but the Two Sahihs did not record it. Allah’s statement,
(to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. None has the right to be worshipped but He. It is He Who gives life and causes death.) describes Allah by the words of the Messenger that He Who has sent him is the Creator, Lord and King of all things and in His Hand is the control, life, death and the decision. Just as Allah said
(So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write,) Allah proclaims here that Muhammad is His Messenger and reiterates this fact by commanding that he be believed in and followed. Allah said,
(The Prophet who can neither read nor write) who you were promised and given the good news of in previous revealed books. Certainly, Muhammad was amply described in the previous books, including his description as being the unlettered Prophet. Allah’s statement,
(who believes in Allah and His Words), means, his actions conform with his words and he believes in what he was given from his Lord.
(And follow him), embrace his path and guidance,
(so that you may be guided) to the Straight Path.
सूरा अल-आराफ़ आयत 158 तफ़सीर (टिप्पणी)