लिप्यंतरण:( Afaman kaana 'ala baiyinatim mir Rabbihee wa yatloohu shaahidum minhu wa min qablihee Kitaabu Moosaaa imaamanw wa rahmah; ulaaa 'ika yu'minoona bih; wa mai yakfur bihee minal Ahzaabi fan Naaru maw'iduh; falaa taku fee miryatim minh; innahul haqqu mir Rabbika wa laakinna aksaran naasi laa yu'minoon )
5. अर्थात जो अपने अस्तित्व तथा विश्व की रचना और व्यवस्था पर विचार करके यह जानता था कि इसका स्वामी तथा शासक केवल अल्लाह ही है, उसके अतिरिक्त कोई अन्य नहीं हो सकता। 6. अर्थात नबी और क़ुरआन।
17. Can they who rely on a clear proof from their Lord, and whom a witness from Him recites (follows) it; and before it, came the Book of Musa, a guidance and a mercy, they believe therein, but those of the sects that reject it, the Fire will be their promised meeting place. So be not in doubt about it. Verily, it is the truth from your Lord, but most of mankind believe not.
Allah, the Exalted, informs of the condition of the believers who are upon the natural religion of Allah, which He made inherent in His creatures. This is based upon their confession to Him that there is none worthy of worship except He. This is similar to Allah’s statement,
(So set you your face towards the religion, Hanifan. Allah’s Fitrah with which He has created mankind.) ﴿30:30﴾, In the Two Sahihs it is recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said,
(Every child is born upon the Fitrah, but his parents make him a Jew, Christian, or Magian. This is just as the calf that is born whole. Have you noticed any calves that are born mutilated) In Sahih Muslim it is recorded that `Iyad bin Himar said that the Messenger of Allah said,
(Allah, the Exalted, says, `Verily, I created my servants Hunafa’, but the devils came to them and distracted them from their religion. They made unlawful for them what I had made lawful for them and they commanded them to associate partners with Me, concerning which no authority has been revealed.) Therefore, the believer is one who remains upon this Fitrah. Concerning Allah’s statement,
(and whom a witness from Him recites (follows) it;) This means that a witness comes to him from Allah. That witness is the pure, perfect and magnificent legislation that Allah revealed to the Prophets. These legislations were finalized with the legislation (Shari`ah) of Muhammad . The believer has the natural disposition that bears witness to (the truth of) the general legislation, and accepts that specific laws are taken from the general legislation. The Fitrah accepts the Shari`ah and believes in it. For this reason Allah, the Exalted, says,
(Can they who rely on a clear proof from their Lord, and whom a witness from Him recites (follows) it;) This clear proof which is recited is the Qur’an, which Jibril conveyed to the Prophet and the Prophet Muhammad conveyed it to his Ummah. Then Allah says,
(and before it, came the Book of Musa,) This means that before the Qur’an, there was the Book of Musa, the Tawrah.
(a guidance and a mercy) This means that Allah, the Exalted, revealed it to that Ummah as a leader for them and a guide for them to follow, as a mercy from Allah upon them. Therefore, whoever believed in it with true faith, then it would lead him to believe in the Qur’an as well. For this reason Allah said,
(they believe therein) Then Allah, the Exalted, threatens those who reject the Qur’an, or any part of it, by saying,
(but those of the sects that reject it, the Fire will be their promised meeting place.) This is directed towards everyone on the face of the earth who disbelieves in the Qur’an, whether they are idolators, disbelievers, People of the Scripture, or other sects from the descendants of Adam. This applies to all whom the Qur’an reaches, regardless of their differences in color, appearance, or nationality. As Allah says,
(that I may therewith warn you and whomsoever it may reach. ) ﴿6:19﴾ Allah, the Exalted, said,
(Say: “O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah.”) Allah says,
(but those of the sects that reject it, the Fire will be their promised meeting place.) In Sahih Muslim it is recorded that Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the Messenger of Allah said,
(By He in Whose Hand is my soul! there is no one of this Ummah, whether he be a Jew or Christian, who hears of me and does not believe in me, except that he will enter the Hell- fire.)
Ayyub As-Sakhtiyani reported from Sa`id bin Jubayr that he said, “I did not hear any Hadith of the Prophet , substantiated as he stated it, except that I found its confirmation in the Qur’an. (The narrator said, “Or he said, `I found its verification in the Qur’an.”’) Thus, it reached me that the Prophet said,
(There is no one of this Ummah, whether he be a Jew or Christian, who hears of me and does not believe in me, except that he will enter the Hellfire.) Therefore, I said, `Where is its verification in the Book of Allah Most of what I have heard reported from the Messenger of Allah , I have found its verification in the Qur’an.’ Then I found this verse,
(but those of the sects that reject it (the Qur`an), the Fire will be their promised meeting place.) And this means from all religions.” Then Allah says,
(So be not in doubt about it. Verily, it is the truth from your Lord,) This means that the Qur’an is the truth from Allah and there is no doubt or suspicion concerning it. This is as Allah says,
(Alif Lam Mim. The revelations of the Book in which there is no doubt, is from the Lord of all that exists!)﴿32:1-2﴾ Allah, the Exalted, says,
(Alif Lam Mim. This is the Book in which there is no doubt.) ﴿2:1-2﴾ The Ayah;
(but most of mankind believe not.) is similar to Allah’s statement,
(And most of mankind will not believe even if you desire it eagerly.)﴿12:103﴾ Likewise, Allah says,
(And if you obey most of those on the earth, they will mislead you far away from Allah’s path.) Allah also says,
(And indeed Iblis did prove true his thought about them: and they followed him, all except a group of true believers.)﴿34:20﴾
सूरा हूद आयत 17 तफ़सीर (टिप्पणी)