Quran Quote  :  (Had there been any other gods) each god would have taken his creatures away with him, and each would have rushed to overpower the other. -

Quran Ayats (Verses) regarding Quran is a revelation from the Wise, the Praiseworthy

لَّا يَأۡتِيهِ ٱلۡبَٰطِلُ مِنۢ بَيۡنِ يَدَيۡهِ وَلَا مِنۡ خَلۡفِهِۦۖ تَنزِيلٞ مِّنۡ حَكِيمٍ حَمِيدٖ

42.In which no falsehood can be inserted (I13), either from its front or from its rear (114). It is a revelation from the Wise, the Praiseworthy.

Surah Name : Fussilat   Surah Number : 41   Ayat Number: 42

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