Quran Quote  :  What Allah has given you is the best -

Quran Ayats (Verses) regarding Do not eat of over which then name of Allah has not been pronounced

وَلَا تَأۡكُلُواْ مِمَّا لَمۡ يُذۡكَرِ ٱسۡمُ ٱللَّهِ عَلَيۡهِ وَإِنَّهُۥ لَفِسۡقٞۗ وَإِنَّ ٱلشَّيَٰطِينَ لَيُوحُونَ إِلَىٰٓ أَوۡلِيَآئِهِمۡ لِيُجَٰدِلُوكُمۡۖ وَإِنۡ أَطَعۡتُمُوهُمۡ إِنَّكُمۡ لَمُشۡرِكُونَ

121. And eat not that over which the name of Allah has not been pronounced [266], for surely that is disobedience. And indeed, the Shaitaan inspire their friends to argue with you [267]. And if you obey them, then indeed you are polytheists [268].

Surah Name : Al-Anam   Surah Number : 6   Ayat Number: 121

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