32. And present to them the example of two men [77]. We made for one of them two gardens of grapes and surrounded them with date palms, and placed crops in between [78].
Surah Name : Al-Kahf Surah Number : 18 Ayat Number: 32
33. Both gardens produced their fruit [79] and did not fail in anything [80]. We also caused rivers to gush forth between them [81].
Surah Name : Al-Kahf Surah Number : 18 Ayat Number: 33
34. And he had fruits [82]. He said to his companion, while he was arguing with him, “I have greater wealth than you and am more powerful [83] in terms of followers [84].”
Surah Name : Al-Kahf Surah Number : 18 Ayat Number: 34
35. And he entered his garden while wronging his soul. He said, [85] “I do not think that it will ever perish [86].”
Surah Name : Al-Kahf Surah Number : 18 Ayat Number: 35
36. And I do not think that the Hour will ever come [87], and even if I am returned [88] to my Lord, I will surely find better than this as a place of return [89].
Surah Name : Al-Kahf Surah Number : 18 Ayat Number: 36
37. His companion replied to him while arguing, “Do you disbelieve in Him Who created you from dust [90], then from a drop of fluid [91], and then made you a complete man?”
Surah Name : Al-Kahf Surah Number : 18 Ayat Number: 37
38. But I say only this: He, Allah, is my Lord, and I associate none with my Lord [92].
Surah Name : Al-Kahf Surah Number : 18 Ayat Number: 38
39. And why did you not say, when you entered your garden, "As Allah wills; there is no power except with Allah" [93], if you see me as less than you in wealth and offspring?
Surah Name : Al-Kahf Surah Number : 18 Ayat Number: 39
40. Then perhaps my Lord will give me something better [94] than your garden and send down a thunderbolt [95] from the sky upon it, so that it becomes a bare, slippery land [96].
Surah Name : Al-Kahf Surah Number : 18 Ayat Number: 40
41. Or its water might sink [97] into the ground, and then you would never be able to find it.
Surah Name : Al-Kahf Surah Number : 18 Ayat Number: 41