2. He sends down the angels with the spirit [3] from His Command upon whomsoever of His bondsmen He pleases [4], "Warn that there is no deity except Me, so fear Me."
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 2
3. And also purifies and teaches [8] the others from among them who had not yet joined them. And He is the Most Honourable, the Wise [9].
Surah Name : Al-Jumuah Surah Number : 62 Ayat Number: 3
2. It is He Who raised [3] among the unlettered people a Messenger from among themselves, who recites [4] to them His Verses and purifies [5] them, and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom [6], although they were before that in clear error [7].
Surah Name : Al-Jumuah Surah Number : 62 Ayat Number: 2