Quran Quote  :  My Signs were rehearsed to you and you turned back on your heels and took to flight, -

Quran Ayats (Verses) regarding Calf

يَسۡـَٔلُكَ أَهۡلُ ٱلۡكِتَٰبِ أَن تُنَزِّلَ عَلَيۡهِمۡ كِتَٰبٗا مِّنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِۚ فَقَدۡ سَأَلُواْ مُوسَىٰٓ أَكۡبَرَ مِن ذَٰلِكَ فَقَالُوٓاْ أَرِنَا ٱللَّهَ جَهۡرَةٗ فَأَخَذَتۡهُمُ ٱلصَّـٰعِقَةُ بِظُلۡمِهِمۡۚ ثُمَّ ٱتَّخَذُواْ ٱلۡعِجۡلَ مِنۢ بَعۡدِ مَا جَآءَتۡهُمُ ٱلۡبَيِّنَٰتُ فَعَفَوۡنَا عَن ذَٰلِكَۚ وَءَاتَيۡنَا مُوسَىٰ سُلۡطَٰنٗا مُّبِينٗا

153.(O Beloved Prophet Muhammad) The people of the Book ask you to reveal to them [439] another book from the heaven. But, they had asked Musa (even) a greater thing than this and said: "Show us Allah openly." Then the thunderbolt overtook them for their wrongdoing [440]. Then they took to the worship of the calf after clear signs [441] had come to them. But We pardoned [442] even that and gave Musa clear dominance [443].

Surah Name : An-Nisa   Surah Number : 4   Ayat Number: 153

فَأَخۡرَجَ لَهُمۡ عِجۡلٗا جَسَدٗا لَّهُۥ خُوَارٞ فَقَالُواْ هَٰذَآ إِلَٰهُكُمۡ وَإِلَٰهُ مُوسَىٰ فَنَسِيَ

88. Then he brought out for them a calf, a life less [124] body lowing, then they said, 'this is your God and the god of Musa, and Musa forgot [125].

Surah Name : Ta-Ha   Surah Number : 20   Ayat Number: 88

وَٱتَّخَذَ قَوۡمُ مُوسَىٰ مِنۢ بَعۡدِهِۦ مِنۡ حُلِيِّهِمۡ عِجۡلٗا جَسَدٗا لَّهُۥ خُوَارٌۚ أَلَمۡ يَرَوۡاْ أَنَّهُۥ لَا يُكَلِّمُهُمۡ وَلَا يَهۡدِيهِمۡ سَبِيلًاۘ ٱتَّخَذُوهُ وَكَانُواْ ظَٰلِمِينَ

148.And after the absence of Musa, his people made a calf [321] out of their ornaments, a lifeless body, producing a living sound [322]. Did they not see that it neither talked [323] to them, nor guided them to any way [324]? They took it [for worship] and were unjust [325].

Surah Name : Al-Araf   Surah Number : 7   Ayat Number: 148

وَلَقَدۡ جَآءَتۡ رُسُلُنَآ إِبۡرَٰهِيمَ بِٱلۡبُشۡرَىٰ قَالُواْ سَلَٰمٗاۖ قَالَ سَلَٰمٞۖ فَمَا لَبِثَ أَن جَآءَ بِعِجۡلٍ حَنِيذٖ

69. And Our messengers came to Ibrahim with glad tidings. They said, Peace [143]. He answered, Peace [144], and then not long after, brought a roasted calf.

Surah Name : Hud   Surah Number : 11   Ayat Number: 69

فَرَاغَ إِلَىٰٓ أَهۡلِهِۦ فَجَآءَ بِعِجۡلٖ سَمِينٖ

26.Then he went to his family and brought a fat [28] calf (roasted).

Surah Name : Adh-Dhariyat   Surah Number : 51   Ayat Number: 26

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