Quran Quote  :  Allah will bestow upon those who have been disdainful and arrogant a painful chastisement -

Quran Ayats (Verses) regarding Pharaoh was drowned in Red Sea

وَإِذۡ فَرَقۡنَا بِكُمُ ٱلۡبَحۡرَ فَأَنجَيۡنَٰكُمۡ وَأَغۡرَقۡنَآ ءَالَ فِرۡعَوۡنَ وَأَنتُمۡ تَنظُرُونَ

50. And when We parted the sea for you (O Musa) and saved you, and caused the people of Pharaoh to drown, while you were looking on.

Surah Name : Al-Baqarah   Surah Number : 2   Ayat Number: 50

فَٱنتَقَمۡنَا مِنۡهُمۡ فَأَغۡرَقۡنَٰهُمۡ فِي ٱلۡيَمِّ بِأَنَّهُمۡ كَذَّبُواْ بِـَٔايَٰتِنَا وَكَانُواْ عَنۡهَا غَٰفِلِينَ

136. So We took vengeance [286] on them and drowned them in the sea [287] because they denied Our signs and were heedless of them [288].

Surah Name : Al-Araf   Surah Number : 7   Ayat Number: 136

ثُمَّ أَغۡرَقۡنَا ٱلۡأٓخَرِينَ

66. Then We drowned the others [74].

Surah Name : Ash-Shuara   Surah Number : 26   Ayat Number: 66

فَأَرَادَ أَن يَسۡتَفِزَّهُم مِّنَ ٱلۡأَرۡضِ فَأَغۡرَقۡنَٰهُ وَمَن مَّعَهُۥ جَمِيعٗا

103. Then he desired to drive them out of the land [214], but We drowned him and all his associates [215].

Surah Name : Al-Isra   Surah Number : 17   Ayat Number: 103

فَأَخَذۡنَٰهُ وَجُنُودَهُۥ فَنَبَذۡنَٰهُمۡ فِي ٱلۡيَمِّۖ فَٱنظُرۡ كَيۡفَ كَانَ عَٰقِبَةُ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَ

40. So We seized him and his army and threw them into the sea. [110] See then how was the end of the wrongdoers. [111]

Surah Name : Al-Qasas   Surah Number : 28   Ayat Number: 40

وَٱتۡرُكِ ٱلۡبَحۡرَ رَهۡوًاۖ إِنَّهُمۡ جُندٞ مُّغۡرَقُونَ

24. And leave [24] the river when it is motionless. Surely, they are the group who shall be drowned [25].

Surah Name : Ad-Dukhan   Surah Number : 44   Ayat Number: 24

فَلَمَّآ ءَاسَفُونَا ٱنتَقَمۡنَا مِنۡهُمۡ فَأَغۡرَقۡنَٰهُمۡ أَجۡمَعِينَ

55. And when they made Us angry We took retribution on them and We drowned [98] them all.

Surah Name : Az-Zukhruf   Surah Number : 43   Ayat Number: 55

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