77. Have you not seen those who were told: "Restrain your hands[245], and establish Salah (prayer) and pay Zakah (compulsory dues to the poor)?" But when fighting was made obligatory[246] upon them, then a group of them feared people as they should fear Allah, or even more. And they said: "O our Lord! Why have You prescribed fighting upon us?[249] If only You would postpone us to a near term." Say to them (O Beloved Muhammad): "The enjoyment of this world is little, and the Hereafter is better for him who fears Allah. And injustice will not be done to you (even) as much as a thread[250]."
Surah Name : An-Nisa Surah Number : 4 Ayat Number: 77
162. But those of them who are firm in knowledge [462] and belief, they believe in what has been revealed to you (O Beloved Prophet) [463] and what has been revealed before you [464]. And they establish Prayer and give Zakah, and those who believe in Allah and the Last Day; to them, We shall give a great reward [465].
Surah Name : An-Nisa Surah Number : 4 Ayat Number: 162
43. And establish Prayer [83] and give Zakat and bow with those who bow (in worship and obedience) [84].
Surah Name : Al-Baqarah Surah Number : 2 Ayat Number: 43
110. And establish Prayer and pay Zakaat [217]. Whatever good you send forward for yourselves, you will find it with Allah [218]. Indeed, Allah is seeing over what you do [219].
Surah Name : Al-Baqarah Surah Number : 2 Ayat Number: 110
177. True righteousness [376] is not that you turn your faces to the east or to the west, but true righteousness is that a person who has faith [377] in Allah and in the Last Day and the angels and the Scripture and the Prophets [378] and gives from his dear wealth [379] out of love for Allah to relatives and to orphans and the needy and to travelers [380] and the beggars [381] and for freeing slaves and establishes prayer [382] and gives Zakat [383]. And those who fulfill their promise when they make a promise [384] and are patient in adversity and hardship and in times of crusade (Jihad) [385]. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are God-fearing [386].
Surah Name : Al-Baqarah Surah Number : 2 Ayat Number: 177
4.They are those who establish [4] prayer and pay poor-due (Zakaat) and have firm faith in the (5) Hereafter.
Surah Name : Luqman Surah Number : 31 Ayat Number: 4
12. And surely Allah took a covenant from the Children of Israel [54], and We raised among them twelve chiefs [55]. And Allah said: "Indeed, I am with you. If you establish Prayer [56], pay Zakat [poor-due] and believe in My Messengers and pay them respect [57], and lend to Allah a loan [58], then surely, I will acquit you of your sins [59], and shall surely cause you to enter into the Gardens [60] beneath which flow rivers. Then after that whosoever of you commit infidelity, has certainly strayed from the right path [61].
Surah Name : Al-Maidah Surah Number : 5 Ayat Number: 12
31. Say to My servants who have believed, "Establish prayer [67] and spend from what We have provided them, secretly and publicly, before the arrival of a Day in which there will be neither commerce nor friendship [68]."
Surah Name : Ibrahim Surah Number : 14 Ayat Number: 31
41. Those, if We give them control [94] in the land they, would establish [95] prayer and pay the zakat (poor-due) and command good and forbid (96) evil. And for Allah is the end of all affairs. (97)
Surah Name : Al-Hajj Surah Number : 22 Ayat Number: 41
13. Do you fear that you will not be able to give in charity [50] before your consultation? But when you do not do it, and Allah has turned [51] to you (mercifully), then establish the prayer, pay the Zakat [52], and obey [53] Allah and His Messenger. And Allah is Aware of what you do.
Surah Name : Al-Mujadilah Surah Number : 58 Ayat Number: 13