Quran Quote  : 

Quran Ayats (Verses) regarding In the hell, taste the chastisement-8

فَذُوقُواْ بِمَا نَسِيتُمۡ لِقَآءَ يَوۡمِكُمۡ هَٰذَآ إِنَّا نَسِينَٰكُمۡۖ وَذُوقُواْ عَذَابَ ٱلۡخُلۡدِ بِمَا كُنتُمۡ تَعۡمَلُونَ

14.Now you taste (Hell) for you forgot the meeting (29) of this day. We too, have forgotten you. Now taste the everlasting punishment as a penalty of your deeds (30).

Surah Name : As-Sajdah   Surah Number : 32   Ayat Number: 14

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