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Al Imran
Al-Hadeed / Al-Hadid
Men (Male)
Salat Prayer Namaz
Jannah Heaven
Isa Jesus
Mariam Mary
Loan to Allah
Children of Israel
War Against Prophet
Thief Punishment
Allah Love
Religion Mockery
Enemy of Islam
Lawful Foods
Oath In Islam
Allah Punishment
Guard Soul
Mother Respect
Men Creation
Fear Allah
Obey Allah & Prophet
Disobey Allah & Prophet
Day of Judgement Qayamah
Prophet Mohammad
Fruits And Vegetables
Girl Child
Lord of the Throne
Red Sea
Kiraman Katebin
Good Deeds
Bad Deeds
Record in the right hand
People of the left hand
Hell Fire
Allah Swear
Jannah Garden
Throne of Allah
Tablet Lohemahfuz
Present Life
Life of Hereafter
Allah Books
Food of Jahannam Hell
Couches Sofas
Return to Allah
Hisab Call into Account
Fajr Dawn Morning
Ad People
People of Thamud Shamud
Pharaoh Chastisement
Sustenance Constrain
Feed the poor
Ardent Love for wealth
Adam a.s.
Bad Path
Good Path
Sun Brightness
Soul Purification
Reject Truth
Bounty of Allah
Prophet Fame
Strive in Good Cause
Mount Sinai
Reward Sawab
Quran Recitation
Created man from a clot of congealed blood
Allah Most Generous
Allah Most Kind and Merciful
Men Taught
Piety Taqwa Virtuousness
Allah sees everything
Abu Jahl
Quran Revelation
Night of Power Lailatul Qadr
People of the Books
Blissful Life
Deep Pit
Repentance(Loser) on The Day of Judgment
Men in Loss
Accept Truth
Faith Imaan
Fault Finder
Proud on Wealth
Sinister Plan
Ababeel Bird
Baked Clay
Allah Worship
Deny Day of Judgement
Punishment Day of Judgement
Reward Day of judgement
Enemy of Prophet Mohammad
Worship Other God
Help From Allah
Victory From Allah
Accept Islam
Praise Allah
Abu Lahab
Wealth of no use
Abu Lahab Wife
Allah Unique
Allah The Eternal
Allah has no child
Envy Hasad
All Mankind
Allah Taught Quran
Allah Taught Speech Eloquence
Sun Revolving in its path
Moon Revolving
Stars Prostrate
Trees Prostrate
Heaven Raised and Balanced
Balance Mizaan
Weigh Properly
Earth Creation
Palm Trees
Clay Soil
Pottery Clay
Jinn Creation
Allah Favors
Sea Does mix together
Everything will Perish
Allah Majesty Glory
Heaven Split
Sinners Day of judgement
Hell Boiling water
Paradise Heaven Rivers
Springs in Paradise
Jannah Paradise Fruit
Maidens Hurain
Restrained Glances
Muqatta at Mysterious words
Quran Oath
True Prophet
Warner to non-believer
Fetter Around Neck
Snatch away understanding
Try Hard they will not believe
Raise the dead
Clear Book
Deny Prophets
Convey the message of Allah
Evil Omen
Follow Prophets
Prophets Killed
Punishment Mockery of Prophet and Allah
Mockery of prophets
Allah destroyed Disobedient Nations
Barren Part of Earth
Thanks to Allah
Exalted Subhanalji
Ark of Noah
Mercy of Allah
Prophets Messages Preaching
Spend in the path of Allah
Mighty Blast
Trumpet Blown
Come Out of Graves
Enjoy Paradise Jannah
Shady groves
Fruits in Jannah
Salaam From Allah
Criminals Separate from Virtuous
Satan is an Open Enemy to Mankind
Burn in the Hell
Put a seal on mouth
Hands will speak
Put out their eyes
Eat Meat
Ride Cattle
Deities Idols
Worship Idols
Prophet Sad
Sperm Drop
Bone Decay
Heaven Creation
Kun Fayakun
All Ever Watchful
Big Sin
How many marriage ?
Mehar Bridal Gift
Property Distribution
Dont usurp Property
Property Share both son and daughters
Wife Property Share
Unlawful Physical Relation
Unlawful Physical Relation Death
Unlawful Physical Relation
Commit Sin out of ignorance
Al Knowing
Allah will not accept Repentance
Dont marry girl without her will
Commit immorality
Treat with Love
Dont take back gift of your wife
Accepted or Prohibited List of Marriage
Allah does not put burden beyond capacity
Dont usurp other property
Accept Repentance
Avoid Major Sins
Major Sins
Men is in-charge of wife
Wife Beating
Wife Husband Dispute
Do Good with Parents
Do Good with relatives
Allah Does not love arrogant and boastful
Allah Does not love Miser
Friend of Satan
Allah does not do injustice
Allah multiply two times
Witness Against Their community
Dont pray while you are intoxicated
Allah is the best helper
Jews Mischief
Sabbath Men
Unforgivable Sins
Boastful of their righteousness
Lie about Allah
Skin will burn re-regenerate
Deliver Tell the Truth
Allah Knows inside heart
Allah is forgiving
Admonish from Allah
Allah guides and astray whom he wills
Reward of obeying Allah and his messanger
Fight with force
Fight for cause of Allah
Rewards fight in the cause of Allah
Fight for helpless
Fight Against followers of Satan
Death will find you
Good From Allah and bad from You
Allah Is sufficient for you
Quran other than Allah
Greeting Salaam
Slay Hypocrites
Dont harm who does not fight against you
Slay who wage war against you
Dont kill Believer
Hell if you slay believer
Investigate Hypocrites
Soul Taking angels
Migration in the path of Allah
Rewards for migration in the path of Allah
Namaz E Qasr Short Namaz
Salat at the time of War
Prayer time is fixed
Seek Forgiveness
Allah does not love sinners
No Pleader on the day of judgement
Sinner wrongs his own soul
Please Allah
Worship Goddesses
Satan Promise to Allah
Follow Satan
Satan will lead to Hell Fire
No Helper other than Allah
Break Marriage Mutually
Earth and Heavens Belongs to Allah
Hold Your Imaan even in adverse condition
Allah will not forgive who believe and disbelieve
Punishment or Hypocrites Day of Judgement
Take believers Friend than Non-believers
Quranic Duwa
Belive in Alllah his messenger his books and malaika
True Believer respects All prophets
No Doubt in Quran
Pray and Give Charity Or Zakat
Successful Dunya and Akhirah
Jesus Messenger of God
Write down in paper the business agreement
Grant Relief
Regular Prayer
Interest Riba
War against Allah and his messenger who take Interest or Riba
No blessing who takes reba or interest
Allah provides Wisdom
Charity in Secret
Allah has control over everything
Story of Ibrahim a.s. and revival of Birds
Charity Reward Multiply
Charity for show off
No force in Islam
Allah is ever Living
Signs of Allah
Talut Saul
Harun Aron
Allah Decree
Prayer even in fear
Marriage Gift
You can divorce your wife without touching her but make provision for her
Like Girl for Marriage
Husband Die Iddat Period
Sustenance for Divorced Women
Divorce and Children
Divorce and Waiting Period Iddat
Keep Divorced or Let go
Halala Remarry after divorce
Wait 3 Menstrual Cycle after divorce
Abstinence from wife
Your wife is your tilth
Dont approach wife during menstruation
Marriage with Non-Muslim
Fighting in the holy month
The heralds of prophets
Wordily Life
Wordily Life
Deny Signs of Allah
O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely
Vain Glory
Remember Allah
Quranic Stories
Two men Vineyards
Group of Men Cave and Dog
Live Forever
Deny Quran
World a test place
Destroy the earth
Seven Heavens
Sky Infinite
The chastisement of Hell
Confess Sins
Forgiveness from Allah
Allah Warning
I am a human being
Green Garments
Gold Bracelets
Wealth and children
Mountain set in motion day of judgement
Iblis did not prostrate to Allah
Allah will ask to call their Gods on the day of judgement
Everything in Details
Allah asks why dont you belive
Allah has harden their hearts
Allah has given chance to wrong doers
Example of Punishment of previous communities
The story of Fish Moses
Story of zulqarnain
Gog and Magog
Hell will be placed before non-believers
Blessed Name
Lower Depth of Hell
Allah does not like Speak Evil Publicly
Punishment of Allah
People of the Books wanted to see Allah from Moses
Rejected Signs of Allah
Heedless of Prophets Message
Allah knows what is spoken in heaven and earth
All Prophets were mortal Human Being
Allah has not created earth and heaven purposeless
Truth wins Falsehood
Angels never tire of serving Allah command
Angels glorify Allah day and night
Had there been more than one God
Allah is accountable to none
There is no God but Allah
Prophets do what Allah has said
Allah knows past and present
Prophets never told they are God
Science Quran
Living things are created from Water
Big Bang Theory
Mountain Firm
Space Science
Every Living Being has to die
Mockery of Prophet Mohammad
Man is hasty in nature
Reject Hell
Non-believer will not be granted respite from Hell
Allah Protect us day and night
Rejected Signs of Allah
Warning from Prophet
Fear of Allah
Reject Admonition of Allah
Story of Breaking the Idols
Burning of Abraham in Fire
Issac Ishak
Jacob Yakub
Solomon Sulaiman
Dhu al-Kifl
Zechariah Zakariha
John Yunus
A single Community
Let loose by Allah Before Day of Judegement
False Gods and Followers Fuel of Hell Fire
God Other than Allah
Who do good deeds will enter into paradise
The angels will receive
Heavens will be scrolled up
Book of Psalms / Zabur (To David)
Allah send You as Mercy for the worlds
Your God is the only God
Allah knows spoken slowly and loundly
Chance given till day of judgement
Prophet Duwa
Slay Crucify of Jesus
Jesus was raised up in Heaven
Dont believe Jesus was raised in heaven
Jews taking interest
Believe in Allah and in the Last Day
Allah Directly spoke to Moses
Allah witnesses who believe and not after messengers preaching
Allah have strayed far
Allah will never forgive
Adobe Hell Forever
If you believe its good for you
Allah is not Trinity
A clear Light
Property Distribution after Death
Believers will be Tested
Evil Doers
Allah Assurance to believer
Enter into Heaven Jannah
Weak Imaan
Allah will differentiate between believers and Hypocrites
Non-believer tell I will bear your burden if you disbelieve
Noah lived 950 years
Idols will not help you
Allah repeats creation
None will protect from Allah
Idol worship
Lut Lot
Lut Lot was first to believe Abraham teaching
People of Lut opposed him
Story of Lut Lot
People of Midian
Punishment from Allah
Qarun Korha
Allah Different Kinds of Punishment
Unbelievers Belief is like Spiders
Dont understand even with Allah example
Establish Prayer
Prayer forbids indecency
Argue with people of the book in fair manner
Dawa with People of the book
Believe in other book of Allah also
Mohammad had never read or written any book before
Mercy and good counsel in Quran
Ask to hasten chastisement
Lofty mansions
Allah provides Sustanance to All beings
Allah Enlarge or Restrain sustenance
Indulge in Negligence gaflat
Strive in the path of Allah
Believers are Successful
Humble in Prayer
Bad Speech
Guard Private Part
Mankind Is Destined to die
Water Cycle
Mockery of Noah
Obey Not Human Being but prophet
Allah Help to Prophets
Allah Raised new generation after destruction
Reject Prophets Messages
Rejected Moses and Allah message
All Prophets are of one Community
It is people who break the religion into pieces
Allah Asks from Non-believer
Allah lavish All kinds of Goods
Strong Faith in Allah
Vie for each other for Good Deeds
Hearts are lost in ignorance
No Groan will be heard of Wrong Doers
Do you not ponder over Allah word
Accusation of being mad
Follow their desire and not the mind
Allah is the best source of Rizq
Prophets Calling non-believer to straight Path
Wander in Darkness
In spite of punishment they did not improve way
Allah has given capacities to speak hear see think
Spreaded the mankind in the world
Allah gives life and death
Deny that man will be resurrected
Prophets messages were told just a false story
Fight Between Gods
Allah Knows what is Visible and Invisible
Duwa against punishment
Repel evil in the best manner
Send me back will do only good
There will be no Kinship help
Sinners Scale Heavy
Virtuousness Scale Heavy
Allah will not listen to wrong-doers
Reward for Patience and Perseverance
How many day did you stay on earth
Did you think that God has created you purposeless
Prayed to Allah
Yahya John
Nothing Impossible for Allah
Zachariah Not Speak 3 days
Yahya Very Pious
Holi Spirit
No man has touched me
Nothing Impossible for Allah
Birth pain
Water Stream
Ripe Date
Eat Date and Drink Water
Carried baby to people
People Told Mary bad words for baby Jesus
Mary ask the Infant Jesus to speak
The infant Jesus Talked
Jesus proclaimed his prophacy in Infacy
Peace on Jesus the day Born Die and Raised Up
It does not befit Allah to take for Himself a son
Jesus told Allah is our Lord
Ibrahim was man of truth
Recite Quran
Why worship which cannot hear and see
Guide to the straight path
Satan is the persistent rebel of Allah
Father dont server Satan
Ibrahim Father did not listen to him
I will only pray to Allah
Ibrahim Chose Allah over his family
Allah Rewared Ibrahim
A chosen Prophet from Allah
Aron was given Moses as company
Was exalted to lofty position
Punishment for Neglecting Prayers and followed lust
Behaving arrogantly People of Makkah
Were Messengers Stranger to them?
When truth is overtaken by desire
Who does no believe in Hereafter deviate from the Right Path
If punishment is not given there will be more transgression
No repentance in spite of Punishment
Allah sent severe punishment
Alteration of day and Night
Infidels say Quran is the tales of the past
Allah asks Whose is the earth in which you live ?
Lord of Seven Heavens
Prophets questions from Non-believers
The know the truth but dont believe
Allah has the power to punish
No Vain talk in Heaven
Heaven for God Fearing
Everything past and present belongs to Allah
Shall I be raised to life after I die?
Allah Created Men out of nothing
Wrong Doers
Wrong doers and rebellious will be set aside
Rebellious and wrong doers has to pass by Hell
Allah has granted respite until day of judgement
Allah keeps records of what non-believer says bad
Everything will leave here and go empty handed
Allah send Devils to non-believer
Allah will gather God fearing as Honored guest
Wrong Doers will be driven like Thirsty cattle
None will have the power to intercede
Christian Say God has son
Saying Allah has Son is a grave sin
Each will be present to Allah SIngle
By Mountain
Book Inscribed
Elevated Canopy
Allah Punishment cannot be averted
Hell is a Lie
Eat and drink to your hearts
Maidens with large beautiful eyes
Righteous will enter Jannah with family
All Kinds of Fruits and Meats will be available
Beautiful Servants
Jannati will know the past events of the world
You are neither a soothsayer nor a madman
You are not a poet
Quran is not fabricated by Mohammad
No Parallel of Quran
Man has come without Creator?
Allah is the owner of treasors
Are they getting diving revelation other than Allah ?
Bad Strategy will not work
Limit of obdurateness against Islam
Wrong doers strategy will of of no use on day of judgement
Chastisement before day of Judgement
Be patient until day of judgement
Celebrate Allah Praise in the night
Clearly expounds the truth
Quran in Arabic
Quran story of the past
O Mohammad you did not know about Yusuf story before
Yusuf (Joseph)
Sun and Moon Prostrating
Dream of Yusuf
Story of Yusuf and his Borthers
Many Signs in the story of Yusuf
Jealousy of Yusuf Brothers
Yusuf Brother bad planning
Yusuf in the dark pit (Well)
Yusuf Brothers told lie to Their father
Jacob started Weeping when he did not see his son return
False Drenched Blood
Caravan Men found Yusuf in the well
Yousuf was sold for paltry sum
Yusuf was sold and taken to Egypt
Yusuf Reached maturity
Story of Joesph and Julekha
Julekha Tempted Yusuf
Yusuf tore cloth of Yusuf
Yusuf Tear cloth from Behind
Julekha was found guilty
The ladies cut fingers in stead of lemon
Joseph preferred Jail to doing incest work
Yusuf Prayer
Joseph was jailed
Inmate Prisners saw dream
Preached to worship one Allah in inmate
Yusuf Interpreted the dream of inmate
Joseph remained in jail for several years
Dream of seven fat and lean cows
Dream Interpretation
Julekha Accepted her mistake
The king appointed Joseph treasurer
Allah established Yusuf in unknown Land
Great reward for God fearing
Joseph Brother came to Egypt
Joseph Brother were given corn
Father Jacob agreed to send all son to Egypt
Jacob sons enter through different gates
Yusuf met with their brothers
Yusuf Brothers were caught as thieves
The Egypt official told we have lost King cup
Yusuf himself searched bags
Keep one of the brothers for stealing
Yusuf Brothers old we are truthful
Father Jacob heard the news
Joseph reminded their brothers about himself
Joseph and His brothers met Finally
Yusuf Brothers pleaded guilty
Yusuf forgives his brothers
Yusuf sent his old cloth to his father
Jacob Regained his sight with Yusuf cloth
Jacob Prayed for his sons forgiveness
Yusuf and His father Jacob met Finally in Egypt
O Mohammad this is the story which We revealed to you
Your job is to convey message thats it
The life of Hereafter is better than this world
All the prophets were denied initally
The stories of Quran is no fabrication
Quran the divine Book
Sky is raised without pillar
Sun and Moon runs on its orbit for fixed term
Allah is the administrator of the universe
Allah has stretched out the earth
Shackles around their necks
They shall be the inmates of the Fire
Non-Believers challenge you to hasten the punishment
Allah is forgiving in spite of wrong doing
Allah is severe in Punishment
Why your God does not show any Miracle?
Allah knows what ever women bears
Allah does not change condition unless people change its heart
Thunder (Lightning)
Thunder praises Allah holiness
Allah(His Angel) hurls thunderbolt
Dont Pray to powerless God
The prayers of the unbelievers are a sheer waste
All that is in heaven or earth Prostrate to Allah willingly or unwillingly
Allah is the creator of everything
Allah send water from Sky and bed rocks
The book of truth
Covenant with Allah
Righteous will enter Jannah from every Gate
Angels will salute to Righteous jannati
Hell Fire is the adobe who Break Covenant of Allah
life of the world is temporary enjoyment
Heart finds coolness in Allah remembrance zikra
Those believe and do good deeds spend contended life
Had Quran been revealed on Mountain it would have broken into pieces
Punishment in this world and heavier punishment in Hereafter
Every age has its own Books (Sent by Allah)
All Prophets had wives and children
No prophets have power of Miracle except given by Allah
Allah effaces whatever He wills and retains whatever He wills.
Allah judgement is the best
Previous wrong-doers also devised bad
Allah is sufficient witness between You and me
True believers heart trembles for Allah
True believers Pray and spend in the path of Allah
Angles Helped to win the war
Battle of Badr
Heavy rain at battle of Badr
Angles Encouraged Muslim in battle of badr
Dont turn your back if you meet with enemy in Battle
Fight Face-to-Face with your enemy
If you turn back in battle Hell is your destination
it was not you, but it was Allah Who killed them
Allah Knows their bad plan
If You(Unbelievers) mend your ways its better
Dont be like Hyposcrites
Allah did not guide because of their constant disobedience
Avoid Mischief
You were few in numbers and Allah helped you
Your money and your children are but a trial
Reward of fear of Allah
Allah is the best planner
Non Believers planned to Kill you
Non believers say Quran is nothing but story
Rain down stones upon us from heaven
Allah will not punish transgressors while you are with them
Arab(Old Days) Non-Believers
Hindering people from the Holy Mosque
Their Prayer at the House is nothing but waste
spend their wealth to hinder people from the way of Allah
Non believers will be piled and cast into Hell Fire
Tell them if they desist from wrong doing, will be forgiven
And fight against them until the mischief end
Distribution of Spoils (War Bounty)
Allah showed them to you in your dream to be few in number
Stand Firm in front of Enemy
Dont quarrel with each other
Be steadfast in Believe
None shall overcome you today Satan misguided Non-believers
Hypocrites discouraged Believers
Angles Took Non-Believers souls with humiliation
Allah is not unjust in the least to His creatures
Worst Creatures who deny the truth
When you meet in War, fight with full force
Beware of treacherous
Non Believer can never overcome
Spend for war in the cause of Allah
Wealth spent in the cause of Allah is full repaid
If they incline to peace, accept it
Allah Joined their(Muslim) hearts
Their 200 your 20 are equal dont fear
Take Captive only if you have suppressed the enemy
Eat what is clean and Lawful to you
If Allah finds good in you(Captives), He will forgive
Betraying Prophet means Betraying Allah
Those who Migrated are true Allies
Non Believers are Allies of each other
swear by the Day of Resurrection
Allah - there is no god but He
All beautiful names belong to Allah
Story of Moses Meets Allah as Fire
I am your God so worship only me
Allah has kept the timing of Resurrection Secret
Avoid those who worship not Allah
What is in your right hand?
This is my big Stick
The stick was turned into Big snake
Allah asked to hold the snake
And place your hand in your armpit
Go to Pharaoh
Rabbe Sarahli - Moosa Duwa
Moses Ask for duwa from Allah before going to Pharaoh
Moses Childhood Story
I have chosen you for My service
Moses Went to Pharaoh House
100 Flogs for fornication
100 Flogs for fornication
Fornicator will marry another fornicator or Idolater
Fornicator will marry another fornicator girl or Idolatress
80 Lashes for those who accuse a chaste women
If husband Accuse Wife of fornication
Wife can refute accusation
Had Allah been no merciful in accusation
Slanderous accusation
Grave Chastisement for who spread indecency
Dont spread decency by following Satan
Dont be stingy in spending in the path of Allah
Mighty Chastisement for those who Accuse Chaste Women
Good men for Good Women
Good women for Good Men
Dont Enter other house without permission
Believing men Lower your gaze
Believing women Lower Your Gaze
Draw Your veils over their bosoms
Dont reveal your adornment except
List of Mehrams
Marry Righteous Women
Dont fear of poverty for marriage
Be chaste until you have money to marry
Slave Women
Do not compel your slave-girls to prostitution
Allah is the light of earth and Heavens
Those whom trade does not hinder form Prayer
Those deny the truth is like Mirage this world
He who deny truth is like Dark Sea
Birds that spread wings actually prays
Cloud Formation
True believers always are ready for Allah and his prophets
The righteous are promised victory on Land
Non Believer cannot Harm Allah
Duwa at the time of Burial
Man is created from earth and will be raised from the same
Fight Between Moses Snake and Sorcery
Moses and Red Sea Water Way
Moses Strike his stick and way as made
Manna and quails
Partake Good Things but dont Transgress
Allah is most forgiving who repents
Followers of Moses Diverted from Allah and worshiped Calf
Eyes will turn blue on day of judgement
We lived 10 days on earth
We stayed barely one day
Mountains will be crust into dust
The earth will be leveled as plain
Follow Quran
Their Accounts will be re-winded to them
Man is un-thankful to Allah
Allah Created Adam
All Angels were asked to Prostrate before Adam
All prostrated Except Iblis
Story of Adam and Iblis
Iblis told I am created from Fire and Adam from Clay
Allah Rebuked and Rejected Iblis
Iblis told Give me respite till the Day of judgement
Satan told Allah I will misguide your believers
Story of Adam and Eve
Allah asked Adam and Eve to live in Jannah
Satan Mislead Adam and Eve
Rabbana Zalamna - Adam Duwa
Repented to Allah
Allah sent down Adam and Eve to Earth
O Children of Adam the best cloth for you is piety
Guard yourselves from Satan
Eat and Drink without going excess
Dont to indecent and Dont Associate Allah with other
For every community there is an appointed term
One who obey Allah and Prophet does not have to fear
Death time Angels will ask where are the deities you worshiped ?
Non-Believers will curse each other in Hell
The gate of Jannah will not open
Hell shall be bed and also covering for wrong-doers
Allah shall strip away all rancour from their hearts
People of paradise will ask to People of Hell
People of Hell will recognize people of Jannah and cry
The riches and status did not help them
Conversation between Hell and Paradise Dwellers
The hell dweller will ask the Paradise dweller to pour waster
Allah will forget Jahannami same as they forgot Allah in the world
The wrong doers has been brought to book
Any intercessors can come for help?
Will Allah send back to World Again so that we can do good ?
Heaven and earth was created in 6 days
Allah does not Love Transgressors
Dont do mischief on earth
Noah Preached to Pray Single Allah
Prophet Hud
The people of Ad called him liar
Hud Preached to people
The people of Ad asked to Punish them of Hud is True
Allah destroyed People of Ad
Story of She Camel Salih
Salih Preached Oneness of Allah
People of Ad raised High Buildings
The powerful people denied Salih Message
Thamud Killed the she camel
Story of Lut Lot Part-2
People of Lut used to Approach Men to Women
Allah Destroyed People of Lut With His wife
Shuayb Preached Oneness of Allah
Story of Shuaib
People of Midian told Shuaib they will banish him
Disbelievers of Midian were utterly destroyed
Allah has sent Prophets to every nation
Hearts are Sealed
Moses asked Pharaoh to set free Children of Israel
Pharaoh asked Moses to Show Signs of God
Story of Pharaoh Part-2
Pharaoh Killed Male and spared women
Moses requested Allah to show Him(Allah)
Allah told Moses He has preferred him to other
Tablets Of Moses( 10 Commandments)
Moses Asked for forgiveness on behalf Of calf Worshiper
Allah punishes He likes and Spare whom He Likes
Prophet Mohammad was Ummi(Illiterate)
Mohammad Name is mentioned in Torah and Bible(Inzeel)
Follow Prophet Mohammad for success
Bani Israil were divided into 12 tribes
Moses Strike Stick on Rock and water Gushed out
Bani Israel Disobedience to Allah
Allah Punished Bani Israel for Disobedience
Man was turned into Apes as Punishment
Jews had been warned time to time but of no use
Hold Book fast and Pray will be successful
Children of Adam
One who Reject Signs of Allah do wrong to their own sould
Hell is created for Wrong-doer Man and Jinn
There are few men who Guides to right path
Allah will destroy slowly without perceiving them
Allah has given them respite
Only Allah knows the exact Timing of Day of Judgment
I have no power over benefit or harm myself
I am a plain Warner
I have no knowledge of unseen(Gaibe Ilm)
Allah Created man from single Being
Man finds comfort in her
Why worship those Gods who have been created himself ?
Have no power to help other
Whether you call them or not there is no difference
Other Gods are creatures like you.
Idols cannot see hear or talk
My Guardian is Allah
Seek Refuge of Allah from Satan
God Fearing becomes alert from Satan
Brothers of Satan go deeper into sin
When Quran is recited keep calm
Remember Allah with humility and fear
Wrong Doers work will go waste
Obey Allah and Obey Prophet Mohammad
Those who believed followed truth and non-believer false
Blow Heavy to non-believers in War
Set captives free or with ransom
Slain in the way of Allah never goes waste
Had Allah so willed, He would have Himself exacted
If you Help Allah He will set your feet firmly
Allah is the protector of Believers
Enjoy the temporary life of this world
The Cities Allah destroyed were more powerful than yours
Sinner can never be same as Pious
Rivers of Milk
Rivers of Wine
Rivers of Pure Honey
Every Kind of Fruits
Boiling Water will tear their bowls
They hear but dont follow
Are they waiting for Day of judgement?
Ask for forgiveness from Allah for believers
Why fighting Surah is not revealed they ask you
Retreated when Fighting was ordained
Allah Curse to Hypocrites
Do they not look upon Quran ?
Satan has mislead Hypocrites
At the time of death Angles will bite their face
Allah will test the believers
Dont be dishearten Allah is with you
Life of this world is Short
You are in need of Allah and Allah is not need of you
Allah sends his Message through angels whom he Wills
Allah has created things which you dont know
You can never count favor of Allah
Idols are not a creator but they has been created
Allah does not love arrogant
We will bear the burden of our and others also
The plotter of against Islam was uprooted by Allah
Where is the Deities you worshiped?
Will tell a lie to Death angel at the time of death
Enter into Hell for your bad work
Had Allah willed we would have accepted Islam
Angel will say Salaam while taking out soul of righteous
Are they(Denier) waiting for death or day of judgement?
Allah shall not raise to life any who die says unbelievers
The reward is great in this world and hereafter also
Allah has sent with Clear Signs and Divine Books
The plotter against you will be dealt with
Shadows of Object actually prostrates Allah
Every bounty is from Allah only
They keep Food or sustainable for other Gods
They say Allah has daughters
Baby Girl Killing in Arabs
Ashamed of baby Girl Born
Bury the Girl child
Denier of Day of judgement are more prone to commit sin
Satan Diverted previous communities from Allah message
Quran is the book of guidance of mercy
Allah has given Pure Milk which comes from Blood
Honey is healing for mankind
Some of you have long age and forget everything learnt
Allah has given some more wealth than other
Allah has given you spouses and children
Slave and free man can never be equal Allah example
Dumb and speaking can never be equal Allah example
Invocation of Day of judgment will take just one moment
Allah brought you forth from Womb
Birds hold control in the air - Signs of Allah
Deities will call the worshiper a liar on day of judgement
Deities will submit to Allah day of judgement
Non Believers who bars other their chastisement will be double
Witness to each Community and you witness to All
Dont take false oath to deceive
Had Allah willed He would have made single Community
Mighty Chastisement for False oath
Allah rewards those who are patient
When you read Quran seek refuge from Satan
Satan does not have power over true believer
Satan has power over those who have no faith on Allah
They accuse of writing Quran
Quran has been brought in stages by Holy Spirit
They allege you are taught Quran by Human being
Prophet is not liar
They love this life more than Hereafter
Allah does not love ungrateful
Allah punished the town for ingratitude
Prohibited Foods
Dead Meat
Food invoked other than name of Allah
Prohibited food can be eaten out of dire necessity
Dont invent lawful and unlawful yourselves
Allah forgives sins commited out of Ignorance
Follow path of Abraham
Exhort the non-believer with reasoning
Pardoning is better than Taking retribution
Bear with patience and dont grieve over them
Greatest losers in the Hereafter
You are reeving the Quran from most knowing
Story of Moses and Fire - An Namal
Most Forgiving, Most Compassionate
Put hand on your bossom and will shine
Solomon Could Understand Bird Speech
Human Jinn and birds were his army
Ant asked their fellow ants to run away or else will be crushed
Solomon Burst into laughter after hearing ant
Story of Queen and Solomon
City Saba
Queen of Sheba used to prostrate before Sun
The people Thamud planned to Kill him
The people of Thamud was destroyed
People of Lot Planned to drive him out
Allah has made the man vicegerents of the earth
Dont see Allah Sign they are blind
Clear Book Nama-e-amaal
everything in the earth and heaven is recorded in the book
Put your trust on Allah
You cannot make the deaf and Blind hear and see
Beast will speak before day of Judgement
Day & Night is a sign of Allah who believes
No Fear for Good Doer
Fire will be flung whose will be bad deeds
I have been commanded to serve Allah
They will soon know the truth
Pharaoh and Moses-part 3
Pharaoh may put us do death
We brought you up when you were child Pharaoh said
Allah is the Lord of east and west
Pharaoh called Moses a Skilled magician
Story of Abraham and His fathers Idol worship
Do the Idols hear when you call them? Asked Ibrahim to his father
Ibrahim Duwa
Neither wealth nor offspring on day of judgement
Idols and their followers will be cast into Hell Fire
Iblis will be cast into Hell Fire
Hell dweller will quarrel with each other
Story of Noah Part-3
Noah told I am none but a plain Warner
Your Lord is Immensely Mighty, Ever Compassionat.
Story of Ad
Fear Allah and Obey me
Story of Salih and Thamud
Story of Lut Part-3
People of Aykah
Story of Shuaib Part-2
If you are true cause the Sky to fall on us
Quran also contains stories of Ancient
They will not believe until see chastisement
Allah destroyed Disobedient Nations After sending Warner
Satan has not Brought Quran
Satan are debarred from hearing Quran
Dont worship any other God than Allah
Warn your nearest Kinsmen of Calling other than Allah
And be soft to the believers who follow you
If they(Believers) Divert its not your fault
He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing
Satan Descend on Sinners
Poets are followed by wayward
Believers dont cross Limit set by Allah and His Prophet
Dont raise your voice above Prophets voice
Believers check the news before acting on that
Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise
Make peace between two fighting believers
Believers are none but brothers unto one another
Believers do not taunt one another
Dont revile one another by nicknames
Being Over suspicious us sin
Backbiting is like eating flesh of dead brother
Humans are divided nations and tribes
Best among you are who is God fearing
Accepting Islam has not done any favor on You
I have given you clear victory
Allah will forgive your shortcomings
Allah provides Inner peace to believers
Allah has sent you as witness, bearer of good news
They vow false to you Actually vows false to Allah
Blazing Fire for non-beelievers
Allah forgives whom He wills and chastises whom He pleases
Blind lame and sick are exempted from War
Allah has promised you abundant spoils
Never shall you find any change in the Way of Allah.
Hudaibiyah Treaty and war after that
Allah indeed showed His Messenger the true vision
His Messenger with the True Guidance
Muhammad is Allahs Messenger
Fear Allah and dont obey unbelievers an Hypocrites
Follow that which is revealed to you
Allah has not put two hearts into your body
Your adopted son is not you own
Adopted Sons
Call your adopted son with his Fathers name
Prophet has a greater claim over believers
Prophets wives are believers Mothers
Blood relatives have greater claim over each other
Battle of Uhud
We sent against them a wind and hosts
The believers were put to test
Hypocrites told the promise of Allah and His messenger wee deceit
The Hypocrites wanted to flee from battle
Escaping battle is of no avail for long
Hypocrites fearful of danger
Messenger of Allah was good example
Seeing invaders the believers was happy
Believers were firm with covenant with Allah
Reward for truthful and punished for Hypocrites
Allah sent back the unbelievers empty-handed
You killed some and made some captive
Allah made you inherit their land, their dwellings
Divorce gracefully if you need wordily embellishment
O wives of Prophet you are not like other women
Family(Wives) of Prophet Muhammad
O wives of Prophets Dont display allurements stay at home
Allah wishes you to remove uncleanness
Remember Signs of Allah sent to your house
Mighty rewards for believing man and women who listens to Allah
Wife of Zaid marriage to Prophet Mohammad
Foster(Adopted) Son
One can marry the wife of Foster son
Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets
Chastisement of wife of Muhammad is double
Great Reward for those who calls people to Allah
Do not yield to the unbelievers and the hypocrites
There is no Iddat (Waiting Period) for untouched wife divorce
Marriage privilege is different for Prophet Mohammad
Dont Enter prophet house without permission
Do not stay at prophet house for idle talk
Marrying Prophet wife is great sin for believers
Mehram for prophets wives
Allah and His angels bless the Prophet believers also bless
Hurting believing men and women is sin
Prophet ask women to draw veil(Hijab) while they go out
Prophet act against Hypocrites of Medina
Believers dont annoy prophet like Moses
Allah offered Trust(Amanat) to earth sun but they refused
Mankind Accepted the trust(Amanat)
Rows of Angels
Allah has adorned the lower heaven with stars
Satan cannot hear what happens in High Council
Man is wondrous creation of Allah
Man mocks Signs of Allah
Muster Non-believer wives and their Gods
Shall we forsake our forefathers religion
man will be recompensed according to your deed
Allah chosen servants will be spared from chastisement
Wine of Jannah will not intoxicate
The Hurain Madans will be like hidden pearl
Jannati will see the bad condition of Jahannami
Al-Zaqqum the very bad tree of Hell
It grows in the lowest part of Hell
Its branches are like head of Satan
The hell dweller will eat it
Noah was true believing servant of Allah
Abraham Asked Idols why you not eat?
Story of Abraham and Idol worship Part-2
Do you worship which you have carved with your won hand?
Ibrahim asked for duwa for son from Allah
Ibrahim dream to slaughter his son Ismail
Ibrahim fulfilled the dream of Son slaughter
Son of Abraham is Issac
Peace be upon Moses and Aron
Prophet Elias
Elias is among the messengers of Allah
Elias preached to people about Allah
Baal was the God worshipped at Elias time
People called Elas liar
Lut was Messengers of Allah
Jonah was the messenger of Allah
Story of Jonah Yunus
Fled to laden ship
Fish swallowed Yunush Jonah
Had he not praised Allah he had been in Fish belly
Tree was grown over him
You cannot divert believer
Had our forefathers been reminded of Allah we had believed
Allah promise to messengers
So (O Prophet), leave them alone for a while
Peace be upon the Messengers
By Quran
Unbelievers are arrogance and stubborn
Non Believers called Messengers a Liar
Deny that there is only one God
Elders among them asked to stick to Idol worship
Before them Noah Moses and Ad has been told liar
People of Thamud Lot Aykah denied their prophets
Allah has granted David with great strength
Mountains would celebrate Allah glory with David
Birds also used to sing he glory of Allah Along with David
The story of David and Litigants
Allah does not treat Righteous and Mischief same
Quran is the book to ponder over and learn lesson
Story of Horse and Solomon
Solomon was the son of David
Solomon asked Allah to give kingdom which no one has been given
Ayyub Or Job Prophet
Satan has afflicted me help me Allah
Story of Ayyub and satan
Ismail Prophet
Dul Kifl Prophet
Devils were under his control
Wives/Hoorain of Jannah will be Bashful and well-matched
The leader will get more punishment
Deny Allah message
My curse shall remain upon you till the Day of Resurrection
Allah will fill Hell with you(Satan) and your followers
Tell them I dont need any recompense for my service
Allah said I am going to create Human from Clay
Allah is truth and he always say truth
Jinn listen to Quran
Jinn praises the glory of Allah
Human increased the arrogance of Jinn
Like human Jinn deny day of judgement
Jinn Tried to know the secret of heavens
Some of the Jinns are Believer and some non-believers
Jinn will be also casted into Hell Fire
Allah try the mankind from His bounty
All Mosques are of Allah
I have neither power to Hurt you nor to bring Right path
None can protect me from Allah
I know not whether what you are promised
Allah does no disclose his Power of unseen Except Prophets
Allah is the first and last hidden and manifest
Great rewards who Fight in the cause of Allah and spend wealth
Who will give beautiful loan to Allah
Allah multiply many times along with rewards who loans to Allah
Light will be running before believers on day of judgement
Hypocrites and non-believers will ask light from believers
Hypocrites will say to believer we were also with you give light
No ransom will help on the day of Judgement
Has the time not come for the believers that you turn to Allah ?
The life of this world is nothing but delusion
The width of Paradise is distance between heaven and earth
Allah is self sufficient
Allah has sent Iron and it has many benefits to mankind
Monasticism is an invention and no from Allah approval
Allah still gave reward to Monotism
All bounty is in Allahs Hand
Quran a clear book confirms Torah and Gospel
Some of its verses are very clear and some ambiguous
Whose heart is pervert go after ambiguous verses
None knows the true meaning of verses but Allah
Do not let our hearts falter crookedness
Allah seized Pharaoh for their sins
Hell is the everlasting place for non-believers
Muslim wins In spite of less in number
Men are naturally tempted by the lure of women children wealth
Spouses of stainless purity as companions
Save from Hell Fire
Fajr Salat
Allah Himself bears witness that there is no God but He
The true religion with Allah is Islam
People of the book tried hard to belie Islam
Ask People of the book Have you also submitted (to Allah)
Everything that happens is Inscribed in the book(Destiny Book)
Nothing in the earth and in the heavens is hidden from Allah
Chastisement for slay Prophets
People of Books avert the discussion on Islam
Fire will not touch us says the people of the book
Every human being will be repaid full what he has done on earth
You give dominion to whom You will
You give sustenance to whom You will beyond all reckoning
If you indeed love Allah, follow me
Allah chose Adam Noah Abraham Imran to all mankind.
Imran Prophet
Wife of Imran prayed to Allah for her child
But wife of Imran gave birth to Girl child(Mary)
Zechariah looked after Mary
Prayer of Zechariah was granted with son Yahya
How can I have son when my wife is barren?
O Mohammad you were not present at time of Mary story
Glad tidings about child(Jesus)
Allah will teach Gospel and torah to Jesus
He will be a Messenger to the Children of Israel
Miracles of Jesus
Make Birds from clay
Cure blind and leper
Make the dead live
Make the dead live
And what you have stored up in house
Obey Allah and obey me(Jesus)
Allah is your lord and my Lord so serve him Alone
Disciples of Jesus told We believe in Allah and worship Allah
The enemy of Jesus planned to Kill Jesus
Allah told I will recall you and raise you up to Me
Allah says he Will punish the disbeliever
Those who believes and do righteous deed there is great reward
Creation of Jesus is similar to Adam in Allahs eye
This is the truth from your Lord
If you deny truth call your family and my(Mohammad) family and curse
There is no God but Allah and I worship Him
Come to word common between you and me
Why do you dispute about Abraham
Allah knows it whereas you do not know
Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian he was a Muslim
People of the book lead you to astray
O People of the Book Why do you reject the signs of Allah?
Believe in the morning and deny in the evening
He singles out for His mercy whomever He wills
Jews say We are free to whatever we may do to non Jews
Allah will not look at(Day of judgement) who break covenant
People of the book used to twist their tong in reciting
Become servants to me apart from Allah does not say prophet
Slayed the prophet
All people of the book are not alike some recites Quran
Do be intimate friends those who are not of your kind.(Madina)
Believers you love them(People of the book) but the dont
Allah helped you at Badr when you were utterly weak
Prophet said to Companions Allah will send 3000 Angles
If you are steadfast Allah will send 5000 Angles for you
Allah helped you so that you can defeat the non-beleivers
Believers Do not swallow interest
Hell of fire awaits you if you swallow Interest
Allah loves who spends , restrain anger, and forgives
This is a clear message from Allah
Dont grieve, you shall be victories
Its for Allah who decides whether He accepts repentance
Allah try men to differentiate between believer and non-believer
Do you think Allah will enter paradise without trail
You longed for death and you are facing now
Muhammad is no more than a Messenger
No soul die except will of Allah
Allah will give as per desire of this World or Hereafter
You will be loser if you follow who denies the truth
We will cast terror into the hearts of those who have denied the Truth
The archers disobeying prophet command
When you were fleeing after losing
When you were fleeing after losing Allah gave you peace
Actually Satan made them to slip(Archers)
If you are slain in the way of Allah Allah mercy is better than wealth
You were gentle to the enemy or you will have scattered them
If Allah helps you none shall prevail over you
Allah did a great favor by sending Messenger(Muhammad)
You killed more to them than they killed you so why repent
Hypocrites excuses at the time of war
One who is slain in the way of Allah dont think them as dead
Indeed they are living and they are getting substance
many prophets followers fought war in the cause of Allah
They get good pleasure of Allah who fight in the cause of Allah
It was a test for your imaan
Allah will not cause the reward of the believers to be lost
When meet with enemy believers said Allah is Sufficient
Believers returned with great bounty and favors from Allah
It was Satan who suggested to you the fear of his allies
Allah give them respite so that they may grow in wickedness
Niggard will be put fetter in the neck day of judgement
They say Allah is poor and we are reach
Jews slayed the messenger
They not only lied you(Mohammad) but messenger before also
Everyone is bound to taste death
Believers will be tested with properties and lives
Believer remember Allah while standing sitting
Make us die with the truly pious
indeed Allah never go back on Your promise
Allah never go wasted the work of believer
Dont get deceived by strutting of non-believers
a hospitality from Allah Himself for Pious in Jannah
Painful chastisement for those who brag their sins
Miraj Night ( Shabbe Miraj)
Allah declared in the book you will do twice mischief on the earth
You transgressed and Allah punished by driving you out from land
Later you defeated them and become prosperous
And when you deviated, second punishment was given
We have made Hell a prison for Allahs bounty thankless
Man pray for chastisement rather than good(Wicked Makkan)
Destiny Qismat
We have fastened every man's omen to his neck
Scroll book of everyone will be open on the day of Judgement
No one shall bear another's burden on the day of judgement
And never do We punish any people until We send a Messenger
Before destroying any nation Allah commands the chief first
If anyone desires immediate benefits Allah gives but punishes
True believer desires for hereafter than present life
All bounty will be given in this world as per destiny
Dont chide your parents even slightest
O Allah have mercy on my parents
Give to the near of kin his due
Extravagant are brothers of Satan
If you cannot give to poor talk to them gently
Neither be niggard nor squanderer
Allah gives limitless bounty and restricts whom he Wills
Do not kill your children for fear of want
Surely killing children is a great sin
Dont approach fornication its outrageous and evil way
Do not kill any person whom Allah has forbidden to kill
And do not even go near the property of the orphan
Give full measure when you measure, and weigh with even scales
Do not follow that of which you have no knowledge
Surely the hearing, the sight, the heart will be call to account
Do not walk on the land arrogantly
Allah has explained Quran in different ways
Had there been more than one God he would have claimed the throne
Holy is He and far above all that they say
When you recite the Qur'an, We place a hidden barrier
Verily it is Satan who sows discord among people
We have exalted some Prophets over others
Whom you worship they themselves are seeking Allah pleasure
Allah will destroy the wicked nation before day of judgement
I shall uproot the whole of his progeny except only a few
Satan promises to man is nothing but deception
Whoever lived in this world as blind shall live as blind hereafter
Makan Kuffars had tried best to divert you
They(Arabs) were bent upon uprooting you from this land
Establish Prayer from evening to night
And hold fast to the recitation of the Quran at Morning
Indeed the recitation of the Quran at dawn is witnessed.
Tahajjud(Night Prayer)
Allah take me where the truth is(From Makkah to madina)
Enter me to Truth and Exit from falsehood
Say The Truth has come, and falsehood has vanished
Quran is Sifa(Healing) and Rahma
The spirit descends by the command of my Lord
Whatever you have received is a great favor from Allah
Uniting Man and Jinn cannot produce Quran like this
They say will believe if you bring spring to gush from the earth
Will believe if you bring Allah and the angels before us
Say I am only a human being, who bears a Message
Non Believer asked Has Allah sent a human being as a Messenger?
Had angels lived on earth I would have sent angles as Messengers
We granted Moses nine clear signs
Pharaoh said Moses, I think that you are bewitched.
Story of Moses and Pharaoh-4 Surah-Isra
Pharaoh decided to uproot Moses and the Children of Israel
After drowning Pharaoh Allah told Children of Israel dwell in the land
Allah sent you not but to proclaim good news
Allah has revealed Quran gradually to better understand
People of the book would prostrate to Allah
Call upon Him as Allah or call upon Him as al-Rahman
Pray Namaz middle voice notvery High not very low
Story of Moses and Pharaoh Part-5 Surah Qasas
He is Ever Forgiving, Most Merciful
Allah have made a curse to pursue them in this world
O Mohammad you were not present at time of Moses story
They cannot sat that I did not send messengers to them
They ask you Why was he not given that which was given to Moses
Tell them Bring a better book than Quran I will follow that
People of the book who followed Islam will get double reward
O Mohammed not you but Its Allah who decides who will be guided
They say if I follow Islam my property will be snatched
What you have been given is a glitter in this world hereafter is far better
God other than Allah will implore to Allah
Your Lord creates what He will and chooses
If Think If Allah make the day perpetual till day of Judgement
Story or Qura or Qarun
Qarun was very rich
His keys could not life powerful people
Someone told dont be haughty on your wealth
He told I have assembled wealth because of my knowledge
For Allah loves not those who create mischief
People would think Oh that we had glitter like Qura
We caused the earth to swallow him and his house
People told had we followed Qarun we had been met same fate
Exclusive adobe for who does not seek this world
You had no expected that Quran will be revealed to you
All will perish Except Allah
People will be mustered on the day of Judgement
No misfortune ever befalls unless it be by Allahs leave
Believers here is enemy some your own wives and children
One Who avoid greediness will prosper
Wise Book
When Quran is recited they arrogantly turn away
He created the heavens without any pillars
Luqman Prophet
We bestow wisdom to Luckman
Story of Luckman
Luckman asked his sons not to worship any other than Allah
Allah does not love the arrogant and the vainglorious
Be moderate in your stride and lower your voice
All that is in the heaven and earth are in service to Allah
We will follow what our forefather has been following
if trees pens and sea ink Allah praise cannot be written
For Allah creating all men is like creating single person
Let the life of this world not beguile you
Day of judgement no father will help child and no child will help father
Surely Allahs promise is true
Only Allah knows what is in the womb
Only Allah knows in which land one will die
The revelation of this Book is from Allah
Your religion is entirely consecrated to Him
Allah shapes the child in the three fold darkness of the womb
Say Enjoy your unbelief for a while then Hell Fire
Man is ungrateful,remembers Allah in distress and forgets in happy
Pious cannot be equal to non-believers
Who will persevere their reward beyond all reckoning
I am the first of those who Worship to Allah
If I disobey my Lord I fear the chastisement
Losers will be he along with their kith and kins day of judegement
There shall be sheets of fire above them and beneath them
Good tidings for those who leave other false Gods and serve Allah
One who pay heeds Allah guides them
Can you save him whom the sentence of chastisement has become due
lofty mansions built over one another
Allah has given all kinds of Examples for mankind to understand
It is an Arabic Quran free of all crookedness
You are destined to die and they too are destined to die
Truthful will be guarded against chastisement
Jannati will have all that they wish
O Prophet does Allah not suffice for His servant
Will those deities remove the harm inflicted by Him
We revealed to you the Book with the Truth for all mankind
One who follows or not follow will be of their own benefits or harm
Consistent Book which repeats its contents in manifold forms
Allah(Angels) takes away souls who die
Allah takes away souls when you sleep and returns
Non-believers become joys when multiple deities are mentioned
Allah knows hidden and which is manifest
If Non-believer had all treasures they offer on the day of judgement
The evil result of their deeds will become apparent to them
The evil consequences of their deeds overtook them
Say Your servants do not despair of your mercy
Turn to Allah before chastisement overtake you
O that I might return again, and be among those who do good
But My Signs came to you and you rejected them as lies
Faces will turn black who belied Allah on the day of judgement
For the God fearing no harm shall visit them
To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth
Do you think I will worship other than Allah?
Event of Day of Judgement
on the Day of Resurrection the earth will be in His grasp-1
Heavens shall be folded up in His Right Hand-2
After blowing trumpet all will be dead except Allah-3
Another trumpet will be blown and all will be live-4
The earth will shine with the light(Extreme) of Allah-5
Deeds Scroll(Book) will be placed in front of each-6
Prophets and all witnesses shall be brought-7
And just judgement will be passed-8
And every human will be paid in full what he has done-9
Non-believers will driven to Hell in group-10
Hell Gate Keeper will ask, Did Messengers not come to you?
Yes they come but we ignored-12
It will be said Enter the gates of Hell. Herein shall you abide-13
Arrival of Day of Judgement
Those who obey Allah will be fate of paradise-14
Gate Keeper will have opened the gate and say Salaam-15
They will say All thanks to Allah his promise came to true-16
Angles will be surrounding Allah and parsing his Glory-17
Judgement will have been made among them with fairness-18
Allah is the True God in the heavens and in the earth
Gave the lie to the Truth
We destroyed sinners and raised another people
Had I sent you Quran as Book(Hard Copy) still they would not believe
Non Believers say Why has no angel been sent down to this Prophet
Had I sent Angel to them they would have still told same
Before you also other messengers were mocked at
Say, Journey the earth and see How We(Allah) have destroyed the sinners
Ask them who has created earth and heavens
Winners are those who will be spared of chastisement
If Allah punishes , no one can save, and if he saves no one can punish
He has the supreme hold over His servants
This Quran was revealed to me that I should warn you
Those will not believe who has courted their own ruin
Who could be more wrong-doing who lie about Allah
Their will tell lie about themselves and false God will leave them
They say about Quran This is nothing but stories of past
In spite of every Signs they dont believe
Allah has laid covering in their heart and ear they will not believe
They prevent others from embracing the truth
They will say Would that we were brought back to life
If they were sent back, they will still do the same sins
Allah will ask, is this not the truth? They will say yes
They will carry their burden (of sins) on their backs
Will be losers who on the day of judgement
The life of this world is nothing but a sport and a pastime
Allah will raise them and then to Him they will be returned
Why has no miraculous sign been sent down to him from his Lord?'
Birds and animals are community like man all return to Allah
Lo it is to Him alone that you cry and then
Satan had made their deeds seem fair to them.
If Allah should take away your hearing and your sight
Messengers are sent as bearers of glad tidings and warners
I do not say to you I have the treasures of Allah
Knowledge of unseen( Gaibe Iml)
Nor do I say to you I am an angel
I only follow what is revealed to me
And I warn people with revealed messasges
Dont drive away who praises Allah evening and Morning
If anyone says to you Peace be upon you Allah shows mercy on him
Salaam, Salutation, Peace be upon
I have been forbidden to serve those to whom you call other than Allah
That which you desire to be hastened is not within my power
Allah has power which lies beyond the reach of human perception
He alone holds sway over His servants and sets guardians
Who is it that delivers you from dangers in the deep darkness
It is Allah alone Who delivers you from this and from every distress
Allah set forth Our signs in diverse forms
Say to denier I am not a guardian over You
Every tiding has its appointed time
When they talk blasphemy turn away from them until they divert topic
Leave alone who considers religion a sport time
Ask them Shall we invoke, apart from Allah who cannot help themselves
Even though their friends call to true path the pay no heed
Allah has created the heavens and the earth
Story of Abraham and His fathers Idol worship-3
We showed Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth
Why should I fear those who does not fear Allah
Those who Belivee and Accept Islam is true guided
Jacob(Yakub) was the son of Abraham
Allah guided all the prophets on the right way
Anyone who associate other than Allah his rewards go waste
I ask of you no reward (for carrying on this mission)
They say Allah has not revealed anything to any man
Like other Allah book Quran is also a Book from Allah
Quran confirms what was revealed before
Those belive in hereafter is ever Mindful of Prayer
Who can be more unjust than he who places a lie on Allah
They would say Revelation of Allah has come to me also
Angles severe punishment at the time of death who lie about Allah
You have come to Allah all alone like We had created you first
Truly it is Allah Who causes the grain and the fruit-kernel to sprout
Allah brings dead into life and live into dead
Behold their fruit when they bear fruit and ripen
The associate jinn with Allah in His divinity
No visual perception can encompass Him He encompasses everything
Follow the revelation which has come to you from your Lord
Do not abuse their God those whom they invoke other than Allah
Signs are in Allahs power alone
We leave them in their insurgence to stumble blindly
Even if We had sent angels down to them they would not believe
Against every prophets there were Jinns and men
The Word of your Lord is perfect in truthfulness and justice
If you obey the majority of those who live on earth you will be mileaded
Believer eat over which Allahs name has been pronounced
Many indeed say misleading things without knowledge
Abstain from sin, be it either open or secret
Do not eat of over which then name of Allah has not been pronounced
Thus have their own doings been made to seem fair to the unbelievers
There is leaders of the wicked ones in every land to plot
We will not believe until we are given what was given to the Messengers
Righteous shall be an abode of peace with their Lord
O assembly of the jinn, you have seduced a good many of mankind
Believers will say Allah We did indeed benefit from one another
Allah will make the wrong-doers friends of each other in Hell
Allah will ask to Jinn and men did no messengers came to you ?
Everyone is assigned a degree according to his deed
Your Lord is Self-Sufficient, full of compassion
Allah can easily destroy you and raise new generation
Surely what you have been promised shall come to pass
Say (O Muhammad) O people! Work in your place and I too am at work
They give one potion of Animal to Allah and other potion to Other God
Slay their offspring to their God in the name of Allah
They fabricate different kinds of theory against Allah
Those who slayed their children in folly ascribing to Allah are losers
Allah has created fruits all resembling one another and yet so different
Indeed Allah does not love those who exceed the proper limits
Eat what Allah has provided you and do not follow Satan
In the cattle womb male or female only Allah knows
Surely Allah never guides such a wrong-doing folk.
We have forbidden all beasts with claws, and the fat of oxen and sheep
If they give you the lie, say Your Lord is of unbounded mercy
They ask Allah did not make all of us believers?
had He willed, He would have guided you all to the Truth
Say to them Call your witnesses to testify that Allah forbade such-and-such.
Allah has appointed man vicegerent over the earth
Allah has bestowed some more than other
Everyone will bear the burden of of his own and no one else
My Prayer, my worship, and my living and my dying are for Allah alone
My Lord has guided me on to a straight way of Abraham
Whoever will come to Allah with a good deed will get 10 times
Whoever will come to Allah with evil deeds, will get same
You have nothing to do with those who have made divisions in their religion
Their matter is with Allah and He will tell what they have been doing
Are they waiting for the Lord to come down to them then accept Islam?
When Angels will appear to them, no benefit in Believing
Had the Book been revealed to us, we would have been better guided
You cannot say that the book was revealed to limited people
Do not follow other paths lest they scatter you from His path
When you speak, be just, even though it concern a near of kin
Recite what Allah has laid down to you
That you associate nothing with Him-1
And do good to your parents-2
And do not slay your children out of fear of poverty-3
And do not even draw to things shameful - be they open or secret-4
And do not slay the soul santified by Allah except in just cause-5
Hunting in the state of Ehram is not permitted
Believers Honour your bonds
help one another in acts of righteousness and not in sin
Believers! Neither desecrate the symbols of (devotion to) Allah
Animals strangled
killed by blows
Has died of a fall headlong
Goring or that devoured by a beast of prey
Slaughter while still alive
Forbidden is to seek knowledge of your fate by divining arrows
This day I have perfected for you your religion
And has chosen Islam as your religion
Say All clean things have been made lawful to you
And animal caught by trained hunting animal(But must slaughter)
The food of the People of the Book is permitted to you
Chaste women of People of Book is permitted for marriage-1
But not for committing fornication and taking them secret companion-2
The rule of Wudu or Ablution
If there is no water then you can take soil for clean
Remember Allah's favor upon you and His covenant
Believers Be upright bearers of witness for Allah-1
And enmity of any people should not move from justice-2
Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds
Believers Remember Allah's favour upon you
Behold, I am with you; if you establish Prayer and pay Zakah and believe
And for breaching of covenant, Allah made their heart harden
Surely Allah loves those who do good deeds
Christains Also took covenant but they forgot most part of the book
Now the messanger has come with message which you had concealed-1
There has now come to you a light from Allah, and a clear Book-2
Allah brings from darkness to light who seek knowledge
Who says that Christ, the son of Mary, is indeed God disbelieved-1
If Allah had willed he could have destroyed Jesus and his Mary-2
To Allah belongs heaven and earth and all that is between them
Jews and Christians say We are Allahs children and His beloved
Ask then Why, then, does He chastise you for your sins
After a long hiatus Allah has sent you messenger
Moses asked Children of Israel to Conquer Palestine, they refused
Story of Adams Son Killing
Who slays a soul shall be as if he had slain all mankind-1
And who he saves one life is like saving whole humanity-2
Killing (Slaying)
Punishment is death who wages war against Allah and his messenger-1
Wage war against Allah and his prophet
Except for those who repent when you overpower them -2
Believers Fear Allah and seek the means to come near to Him
As for the thief -male or female - cut off the hands of both-1
But he who repents after doing wrong, and makes amends-2
Dont Grieve
Do not be grieved of those who vie with one another in disbelieving-1
Even though they be those who say with their mouths, We believe-2
Even though their hearts have no faith-3
Jews who have their ears eagerly turned to falsehood-4
And spy for other people who did not chance to come to you-5
Even dont take proper context in order to distort their meaning-6
They say accept if the ayats is favorable for you-7
For them degradation in this world,mighty chastisement in the Next-8
They are listeners of falsehood,greedy devourers of unlawful earning-9
Yet how will they appoint you a judge when they have the Torah with them-10
Surely We revealed the Torah, wherein there is guidance and light
So (O Jews) do not fear men but fear Me
And do not barter away My signs for a trivial gain
And in Torah Allah had ordained A life for a life, and an eye for an eye
But whosoever forgoes it by way of charity, it will be expiation
And We sent Jesus, confirming the truth of Torah
And We gave him the Gospel, wherein is guidance and light
And a guidance and admonition for the God-fearing
Let the followers of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed
Allah Books-iii Quran(See Part-ii Bible)
Then We revealed the Book to you (O Muhammad!) with Truth-1
And protecting and guarding over it-2
Judge, then, in the affairs of men in accordance with the Law-3
For each of you We have appointed a Law and a way of life-4
Had Allah willed, He would surely have made you one single community-5
He did not in order to test you by what He gave you-6
Vie, then, one with another in good works-7
Allah Books-ii Bible(See Part-iii Quran, Part-1 Torah)
Allah Books-i Torah(See Part-iii Quran, Part-ii Bible)
Judge between what Allah has revealed, not follow their desires
Believers Do not take the Jews and the Christians your friend
If any of you leave Islam, Allah will raise people whom He loves
Only Allah,His Messenger,and believers are your allies
Who takes Allah,His Messenger and believer as allies, be triumphant
Do not take for your allies those who make fun of your faith
And when you call for Prayer, they take it for a mockery and sport
Say to them People of the Book Do you hate believe in Allah
They haste for sin,transgression and eat unlawful earnings
Why their scholars does not stop from unlawful earnings
The Jews say The Hand of Allah is fettered
Had people of the book believed,Allah had pardoned
Had People of the Book observed the Torah and the Gospel-1
Sustenance would have been showered over them from above-2
Deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord-1
Allah will certainly protect you from the evil of men-2
People of the Book You have no solid ground without Torah,the Gospel
Who believes in Allah and in the Last Day and do good deeds [1]
Be they either believers, Jews, Sabaeans or Christians[2]
Neither fear shall fall upon them nor grieve[3]
Allah sent messengers to Children of Israel they belied them[1]
Thought no harm would come from it,they became blind[2]
They said Christ, the son of Mary, is indeed God[1]
Christ said Children of Israel Serve Allah, Who is your and my Lord[2]
Allah has forbidden Paradise who associate anything with Him[3]
No one will be able to help such wrong-doers[4]
Those who said Allah is one of the Three,disbelieved[1]
Indeed there is no god save the One God[2]
If they turn from their claim there is painful chastisement[2]
The Messiah, son of Mary, was no more than a Messenger
And they both ate food (as other mortals do)
Non-believer Children of Israel cursed by David and Jesus
And now many of them taking the unbelievers for their allies
Say People of the Book Do not go beyond in your religion
You will find Jews the most hostile to those who believe-1
Christian says We are closest to those who believe-2
When they hear the truth their eyes overflow with tears-3
They say Our Lord We do believe, count us as believers-4
Why should we not believe in Allah when the truth has come-5
Allah rewarded them with paradise-6
Dont say unlawful which Allah has made Lawful-1
And take lawful, good things which Allah has provided-2
Allah not take to task for trivial oaths but serious ones-1
Expiation for breaking oath is to feed 10 needy-2
Or cloth them or fast for 3 days-3
But its better keep your oath-4
Intoxicants, games of chance, idolatrous sacrifices at altars-1
And divining arrows are prohibited, are the handiwork of Satan-2
By wine, and lottery Satan creates hatred and bars from remembrance of Allah
And turn you away from remembrance of Allah-4
Allah will try you as per your capacity
Hunting in the area of Kaaba is prohibited-1
If you kill will fully there shall be a recompense-2
Expiation either with fasting feeding poor etc-3
The game of the water and eating thereof are permitted-1
Allah has appointed the Kabah, the Sacred House-1
And has caused the holy month (of Pilgrimage)-2
And the animals of sacrificial of-god fearing-3
Know well that Allah is severe in retribution-4
The Messenger is bound only to deliver the message
(O Messenger) Say The bad and good things are not equal-1
Though the abundance of the bad might make you pleased-2
Do not ask of the things which manifested would vex you-1
Dont ask question while Quran is being revealed-2
Some people before had asked such questions and disbelieved-3
Lie against Allah Olden days Arab
Allah has not decreed cattle slaughter to idols-1
But those who disbelieve forge lies against Allah-2
When Called to Allah they say we follow forefathers
Believers Take heed of your own selves-1
The error of he who strays will not harm you.-2
When death approaches you call two witness for bequest
Alla willl ask from on Final day -What answer were you given?-1
They will reply We have no real knowledge of it-2
Allah said to Jesus remember my favor on you-1
when I strengthened you with the spirit of holiness-2
So that you talked to men in the cradle-3
when you called Israelite to Allah, its Magic-4
Your disciples told, we believe in Allah-5
Story of Jesus , Food and His disciples
Day of judgement and question from Allah
Allah will ask Jesus, did you ask people to worship you?-1
I had never said to worship me and my other beside You-2
Had I told that you had surely known that-3
You know what is in my mind-4
I said to them nothing but what you asked me to say-5
If You chastise them, they are Your servants-6
And if You forgive them, You are the All-Mighty-7
Allah will say This day truthfulness shall profit-8
Abide for ever in Gardens beneath which rivers flow-9
This is a declaration of disavowal by Allah and His Messenger-1
You may go about freely in the land, for four months-2
Allah is free from all obligation to those who disbelieves-3
You have made treaties and have not violated their treaties-4
Fulfill your treaties with them till the end of their term-5
When the sacred months expires slay idolaters where you see-6
Seize them, and besiege them, and lie in wait for them-7
Leave if they repent,establish the Prayer and pay Zakah-8
If seek asylum, grant them that hear the Word of Allah-9
Behave in a straight manner with them-10
Polytheists will respect neither kinship nor agreement-11
They have sold the revelations of Allah for a paltry price-12
They pleases you with their tongue only-13
Make a war if they break treaties-14
Will you not fight against broke pledges-15
Drove messenger away and stareted enmity-16
Dont fear them, fear Allah-17
Make war on them-18
Allah will humiliate them through you-19
He will grant you victory over them-20
And will soothe the bosoms of those who believe-21
And will remove rage from their hearts-22
Do you imagine that you will be spared without any test?
It does not behoove Non-believers to visit Kaaba-1
It behooves believers to visit Kaba-2
Old days
Providing water to pilgrims and believing is not equal
In jannah they shall abide forever
Initial Islamic days
Do not take your non-believer fathers, brothers as allies-1
If you take them Allies will be wrong-doers-2
You forsake kinsfolk for sake of Allah,he will award-3
Battle of Hunain
Surely Allah has succoured you before on many a battlefield-1
Battle of Hunayn when your numbers made you proud-2
But they did you no good, you had to retreat-3
Then Allah caused His tranquility over believers-4
And He sent down hosts whom you did not see-5
And chastised those who disbelieved-6
Jews say Ezra(Uzayr) and Christians Jesus are son of God-1
They take rabbis,monks for their lords apart from Allah-1
And Christian takes Messiah, son of Mary as God-2
They seek to extinguish the light of Allah by mouth blowing-2
Allah has sent Messenger with the guidance and True Religion-3
Many Rabbis amass gold and dont spend way of Allah-1
On Day of judgement heated Fire of Hell-2
Their body will be branded with it-3
Will be said this is the treasure you had hoarded-4
Months in Islam
In Allah sight there are twelve months-1
At the time of earth heaven creation Allah has decreed-2
And out of these months four are sacred-3
Do not wrong yourselves in these months-4
And Fight unitedly same way non-believers fight against you-5
The intercalation of sacred months is gross infidelity-6
They declare sacred in one year and not next year-7
At the time of war
When Allah calls you why dont you come-1
Do you prefer the worldly life to the Hereafter-2
Enjoyment of this world is nothing as compared to hereafter-3
If you do not march forth, Allah will chastise you grievously-4
And He will replace you by another people-5
While you will in no way be able to harm Him-6
Allah has power over everything-7
Its does not make much difference for Allah if you help or not-8
Allah help is sufficient for Messenger-9
They were 2 when they were driven from home(Gaare Hira)-10
Messenger told, dont worry Allah is with us-11
March forth in the way of Allah with your wealth and lives-12
Had it been short distance had they joined but it was far(Thabuk)-13
(O Prophet) You told to stay behind before it became clear-14
As to who were truthful and who were liars-15
Who believe in Allah and Last Day will never ask your leave-16
One who has no faith in hereafter seek exemption-17
Were they eager they would had prepared for going-18
Had they gone with you, they would have only added trouble-19
Surely they sought even earlier to stir up sedition-20
They say Grant me leave to stay,not expose me to temptation-21
If good happens the turn gloomy and if bad, they rejoice-22
Say Nothing will befall us but will of Allah-23
Tell them money spent by you is not acceptable for Allah-24
They come to Prayer so lazily, and spend grudgingly-25
Unbelievers are unclean so dont let them come near Kaba
Let neither their riches nor their children excite your admiration-26
They swear by Allah that they are part of you, but not-27
Had they found hiding place, they would have fled-28
Some of them find fault with you in the distribution of alms-1
The alms are meant only for the poor and the needy-2
A painful punishment for who distresses Messenger of Allah-3
They swear falsely by Allah to please you-4
Hell Fire awaits whosoever opposes Allah and His Messenger-5
Hypocrites are afraid lest surah be revealed against them-1
And their mockery to the believers may laid open-2
If you ask they say We were merely jesting and being playful-3
No excuses,The truth is, you have fallen into unbelief-4
The hypocrites, be they men or women, are all alike-5
They enjoin what is evil, and forbid what is good-6
They forgot Allah, so Allah also forgot them-7
Surely the hypocrites are wicked-8
Allah has promised Hell-Fire to the hypocrites-9
Allah has cursed them, and theirs is a lasting torment-10
Hypocrites are same like forefathers who did mischief-11
The believers, both men and women, are allies of one another
Allah has promised believing men,believing women jannah
Strive against the unbelievers,hypocrites, and be severe
Hypocrites are jealous of the bounty Allah has provided
Some of them said If Allah bounty, we will give alms(Abi salwa)-1
When Allah gave them bounty, they grew niggardly-2
Allah rooted hypocrisy in their hearts till he meets Allah-3
They know not that Allah knows hidden and manifest in heart?-4
They taunts who spend in the way of Allah-5
If you(Mohammad) pray for 70 times, Allah will not accept-6
Thabuk Expedition
Those who left behind, rejoiced-1
They advised other, dont go in fierce heat-2
Tell them The Hell is far fiercer in heat-3
Let them laugh and rejoice for sometime-4
If they say We will join in fight, dont believe them-5
O Mohammad Do not pray if they dies, nor stand over his grave-8
Let not their riches or their children excite your admiration-9
And whenever any surah is revealed enjoining-10
Believe in Allah strive in way of Allah
Rich say Leave us with those who will sit back at home-12
They were content to stay behind with the womenfolk-13
It is they who shall prosper-16
It is they who shall have all kinds of good-15
But believers strove hard with lives and belongings-14
Allah has prepared for them Gardens live forever-19
Many of the bedouin Arabs came with excuses to live behind-20
There is no blame on the weak nor on the sick-21
Some of them grieved with tears that they could not fight-23
Tell them Make no excuses We will not believe you-24
The bedouin Arabs surpass all in unbelief and hypocrisy-25
Among Bedouin Arabs believe in Allah and the Last Day-26
Some Bedouin is hypocrites and some believers-1
There are others who have confessed their faults-2
Madina and its people
O prophet take sadaka out of their riches and pray for them-1
Indeed your prayer is a source of tranquility for them-2
Allah accepts their repentance and their sadaqa-3
Ask the believers to keep striving-4
Some has set up a mosque to hurt the True Faith-5
Hypocrites has set up a mosque to hurt the True Faith-5
The purpose was to cause division among believers-6
Dont pray in that Mosque,pray in first mosque founded-7
They have founded mosque not fear of Allah but for plot-8
Allah has purchased believers their lives,their belongings-1
And in return has promised that they shall have Paradise-2
Same Promise Allah have made in Torah and Gospel also-3
Dont ask for forgiveness for unbeliever even for your kin-4
The prayer Abraham for his father was in hope-5
But when he refused, Abraham dissociated himself-6
It is not Allah way to cause people to stray after He guided -6
He it is Who confers life and causes death
Allah relented towards Muhazerun, ansar once they mended way-7
Allah relented towards three (did not take part in Tabuk)-8
Allah does not cause the work of the doers of good go waste
People of Madina preferred listen prophet than own security-9
Each amount and journey they spent is recorded to Allah-10
It was not necessary for the believers to go forth all together-11
Believers Fight against the unbelievers who live around you-12
And let them find in you sternness-13
And whenever a new surah is revealed some of the hypocrites-13
They jest Whose faith has increased because of this-14
For Hypocrites every new surah added a fresh abomination-15
They are tried every year still they dont take heed-16
Prophet Mohammad has ardent love for you(Believers)
There has come to you a Messenger of Allah among you-1
Who is distressed by the losses you sustain-2
who is ardently desirous of your welfare-3
And is tender and merciful to those that believe-4
Still they turn away, tell Allah is sufficient for me-5
The Romans have been defeated-1
After defeat they will gain victory in a few years-2
All power belongs to Allah both before and after
This is Allah Promise and He never goes back promise-4
People know the outward aspect of the worldly life-5
But are utterly heedless of the Hereafter-6
On that day criminals shall be dumbfounded
The false God will disown themselves from the worshiper
On day of judgement people will be split into group-1
Who believed and acted righteously will enter Jannah-2
Who disbelieved and gave the lie to Our Sign Hell Fire-3
So glorify Allah in the evening and the morning-1
Glorify Him afternoon and when the sun begins to decline-2
And of His Signs is that He created you from dust
And of His Signs is that He has created mates for you-1
You find peace in them and He has set love and mercy-2
Allah has created diverse of your tongues and colors
And of His Signs is that He shows you lightning
Signs is that the sky, earth stand firm by His command
He is the Most Mighty, the Most Wise
But the wrong-doers follow their desires without any knowledge
Turn your face single mindedly to the true Faith-1
The mould fashioned by Allah cannot be altered-2
Who have split up their religion and have become divided-1
To them when misfortune befalls them, they cry to their Lord-2
But no sooner that He lets them have a taste of His Mercy-3
They start worshiping other than Allah-4
They show ingratitude of the favor provided by Allah-4
When We provide Our Mercy, they exult in it-1
Misfortune befalls on consequence of deeds,they despair-2
Allah does not increase wealth through interest-1
If you pay zakat, Allah increases wealth many fold-2
Allah increases wealth through Zakat
Allah Who created you, bestowed upon you your sustenance-3
Evil is rife on the land,Sea because of mens deeds
So turn your face exclusively towards the True Faith
He who disbelieves will suffer the consequence
Allah gives His Bounty who believes,act righteously
And of His Signs is that He sends winds to herald
See How Allah revives the earth after it is dead
(O Prophet) you cannot make the dead hear-1
Nor can you guide the blind out of their error-2
Except those who believe in Our Signs-4
And have surrendered themselves to Allah-5
You can make none hear-3
Life Cycle of Human
It is Allah Who created you in a state of weakness-1
Then after weakness He gave you strength-2
Then after strength He made you weak and old-3
He creates what He pleases-4
On day of judgement wicked shall swear-1
That they had stayed (in the world) no more than an hour-2
Thus they used to be deceived in the life of the world-3
According to Allahs Record you, You stayed till Resurrection-4
That Day no excuses of the wrong-doers will not avail them-5
Whatever Signs you show to non-Believer, adamant will deny-1
Allah seal the hearts of those who have no knowledge-2
Therefore, (O Prophet) have patience-3
Quran takes mankind from every types of darkness to Light-1
And directs them to the way of Allah-2
Woe to those who reject the Truth,severe chastisement-1
To those who prefers this life to the Hereafter-2
Messengers has expounded to the people in their language-1
And after that those who rejected Allah did not guide them-2
Messengers has expounded to the people in their language-3
And after that those who rejected Allah did not guide them-4
We asked the messengers to lead people from Darkness to Light-5
Allah says If you give thanks, I will certainly grant you more-1
But if you are ungrateful, My chastisement is terrible-2
Even if whole world not believe, no difference for Allah
People of Noah, The Ad,Thamud rejected messengers-1
Messengers said, Believe Allah the creator of All-2
They said, you are only human like us why believe-3
Messengers said, yes we are human like you but-4
Allah bestows His favor his servants whom He wills-5
Allah asked Moses to Lead your people out of darkness
Then the unbelievers told their Messengers-1
We will banish you from our land-2
Allah destroyed them from the land-3
Allah caused believers to settle in the land-4
Allah brought every Tyrant to naught-5
They will be made to drink of the oozing pus-6
Wong doers will be made to drink of the oozing pus
which he will gulp but will scarcely swallow-7
Death will come but they will not die-8
The reward of the ejector of Allah is like Ashes
That is not at all difficult for Allah-2
Allah can destroy and re-create earth and heavens-1
The weak ones will ask from the powerful ones-1
Will you save from Allah, we followed you?-2
The powerful one say, no escape from punishment-3
Satan will turn away
I had no power over you,i just called you to my way-1
So, do not blame me but blame yourselves-2
I neither can help you nor myself-3
Good Words is like firm deep rooted tree -1
Whose branches reach the sky-2
Yielding its fruit in every season-3
Bad word is like evil tree-4
Uproots the tree from its root-5
Allah keeps the believer firm , with the firm word-6
in worldly life and in the Hereafter-7
They have set up rivals to Allah,lead people astray
Establish Prayer and Give Zakat
You will never be able to count favors of Allah
Story of Abraham and his sons-4
They will stare in Horror in day of Judgement
O Prophet warn the mankind of the day-1
When earth and sky will be different-2
All will appear before Allah exposed-3
That day you will see Guilty ones fettered in chains-4
Their garments shall be black as if made out of pitch-5
And flames of the Fire shall cover their faces-6
So that Allah will recompense every soul for what it earned.-7
Quran a Book full of wisdom
They wonder why Allah revealed Quran to a man among them-1
They says This man(Mohammad) is indeed a sorcerer-2
Allah has given the sun radiance-1
And determined the stages of moon(Small big)-1
You calculate years reckoning of time-2
One who does not expect to meet Allah is Heedless-1
Their cry in it will be Glory be to You, Our Lord
Were Allah to hasten to bring upon men-1
The way men hasten in seeking the wealth-2
Their term would have long since expired-3
So Allah leave alone in their transgression-4
In distress man remember Allah and forgets later
In the past Allah has destroyed wrong-doers Now-1
Appointed successors in the earth to see how you act-2
When Allah revelation was brought them-1
They would say,bring another Quran-2
Or make modification in this-3
Had Allah willed I had not recited Quran to you-4
Greater wrong-doer are who forges a lie against Allah
They worship, beside Allah, who can neither harm nor profit
Once all men were but a single community-1
Then they disagreed (and formulated different beliefs)-2
The realm of the Unseen belongs to Allah
People call in distress in sea to Allah
Man forgets Allah once they are saved from sea weave
Idols will tell to the worshiper It was not us that you worshiped
It is Allah alone Who guides to the truth
Most of them only follow conjectures
Quran could not be composed by any other than Allah-1
It is a confirmation of the revelation made before-2
It and a detailed exposition of the Book-3
Beyond doubt it is from the Lord of the universe-4
In fact they rejected as false as they failed to comprehend-5
Pay heed on those who listens and not who are deaf and blind
Surely Allah does not wrong men; they rather wrong themselves
A Messenger is sent to every people
They say If what you promise is true, when threat be fulfilled?-1
Say I have no power to harm or benefit even myself-2
Except what Allah may will-3
There is an appointed term for every people-4
And when the end of their term comes-5
Neither can they put it off for an hour-6
Nor can they bring it an hour before-7
You are being lured by this ephemeral world-1
Although Allah calls you to the abode of peace-2
They say, Mohammad has written Quran himself-1
Say bring one Surah and call whom you can-2
Some of them believe, some of then reject-1
If they reject you(Prophet) as false-2
Tell them My deeds are for myself, your deeds for yourself-3
You will not be held responsible for my deeds, nor yours-4
And you have no power to prevent the chastisement
O mankind, instruction(Quran) has come from your Lord-1
And healing for what is in the breasts-2
And guidance and mercy for the believers-3
It is better than all the riches that they accumulate-4
Did Allah give authority that you forge lies against Allah-3
Grave Punishment who lie against Allah-4
Everything on the heaven,earth is recorded in Book of scroll
Friends of Allah(Awlia)
Oh, Friends of Allah have nothing to fear, nor they grieve
The ones who believe and are God-fearing-1
Glad Tiding in this world and hereafter also-2
That is the supreme triumph-3
Let not the utterances of the opponents distress you-1
Indeed all honour is Allahs hand
Those who invent lies against Allah will never prosper-5
Enjoy the life of this world,but they must return to Us-6
Allah seals the hearts of those who transgress
Pharaoh asked his men to gather all magician
Story of Moses part-6 Surah Yunus
Pharaoh was mighty who exceed all limits
When Pharaoh was drowning he cried to Allah-1
I believe that there is no god but Allah-2
Allah saved his corpse as a sign of warning for all
Those against words of Allah is fulfilled will not believe-1
Even if they witness every single Sign of Allah-2
After Allah chastisement, believing did not help-1
But in case of Yunus, Allah gave reprieve his followers-2
Had your Lord so willed,all would have believed
Observe carefully all that is in the heavens,earth-1
But no signs and warnings can avail for not believing-2
You waiting for chastisement witnessed your forgathers-3
When Allah wrath falls upon the the wicked-1
Allah saves his messengers and believers-2
And set fire whole city and environs-3
The Assyrian king burnt himself to death-4
Say I do not serve whom you serve beside Allah-1
I only serve Allah Who will cause (all of) you to die-2
Do who have no power to benefit or hurt
It is Allah only who afflicts or solves your problem
O Prophet follow whatever is revealed to you-1
And remain patient until Allah brings forth His judgement-2
This is Divine Command whose(Quran) contents is made firm-1
And set forth in detail from One Who is All-Wise, All-Aware-2
I have come to you from Allah a Warner and good news bearer
that you seek forgiveness of your Lord and turn to Him-2
Unto Allah has to return everyone
The Makkan would avoid prophet hiding mouth to Prophet
Allah provides sustenance to All creatures of universe
Allah knows where they live permanently-2
Allah has recoreded everything in clear Book
Men start wrong-doing once Allah eases chastisement
If favor man with Our Mercy, then take away from him-1
He becomes utterly desperate, totally ungrateful-2
Once hardship is removed from man,he becomes boastful
But who believes and are patient get rewards from Allah-5
O prophet dont omit any part of the revelation you receive.
They say Mohammad has invented the Quran himself-1
If that is so, bring ten surahs the like of it of yours -2
If you cannot then be sure that the Book is from Allah-3
If anyone asks for this world,Allah gives full for his work-1
They will have nothing hereafter and will burn in hell fire -2
Stories of Noah part-4
Noah asked his son to embark on the Arc while drowning
Rain was stopped and stopped at Mount Judi
Allah admonished Noah for asking for help for his son
Story of Ad-2
Story of Salih and Thamud-2
Story of Abraham and wife-5
Story of Lot and his daughters-4
Story of Shuaib Part-3
Story of Moses part-7
People immersed in wrong doing Allah sizes Painful,terrible
At Qayamah no one will speak except permission of Allah
They have doubt in Quran , they had doubt in Moses book also
Indeed the good deeds drive away the evil deeds
Establish Prayer two ends of the day,first hours of the night
Indeed Allah never lets the reward of good-doer go to waste
Always the the believers were few and more sinful
As long as there is righteous, Allah will and did not destroy
Indeed I will fill the Hell, with men and jinn, altogether
I narrate the previous stories to strengthen your heart
As for those who are bent on not believing, tell them-1
Work you your way and we work according to our way-2
The earthquake of the Hour will be an awesome thing
Suckling woman shall utterly neglect the infant she suckles-1
And every pregnant woman shall cast her burden-2
And you will see people as though they are drunk-3
Among people there are some disputes about Allah-1
Satan will lead him to Hell Fire-2
If you have doubt about day Resurrection-1
Remember,Allah has created human from dust,sperm-2
Allah resurrects the dead, and He has power over everything
Allah shall surely resurrect those are in graves-3
Allah never wrongs His creatures
And among people worships Allah on the borderline-1
If good befalls him,is satisfied or turns away-2
He will be in loss in this world and hereafter also-3
Some fancy that Allah can neither benefit or harm
We have revealed the Quran with Clear Signs
Allah will judge between Believer,Jews,Christian
And he whom Allah humiliates, none can give him honor
As for disbeliever, garments of fire
Will burn skin and inside belly as well-2
There shall be maces of iron to lash them
They will try to come out but will be driven back-4
For Jannati Gold Bracelet,pearls and silk cloths
Punishment for who hinders from Kabah
And keep my(Allah) house clean-3
Dont worship any other than Allah-2
When Allah told Abraham about Kabah-1
And proclaim mankind to come for Hajj-4
Cattles has been lawful except prescribed unlawful
Retaliation more than committed excess is transgression
A chastisement those who disbelieved,denied Our Signs
Non-believers will be in doubt till the day of judgement
Prophets had a desire, Satan interfered with desire-1
Allah eradicates the interference of Satan from them-2
Who believes and are righteous given Honorable sustenance
Who ascribes partner to Allah is like falling from sky
Whoever respects symbols of Allah is true believer
For every people We have laid down a ritual of sacrifice
Glad Tidings for believers
Glad tidings to those that humble themselves (before Allah)-1
Whose hearts shiver whenever Allah is mentioned-2
Who patiently bear whatever affliction comes to them-3
Who establish Prayer-4
And who spend out of what We have provided them-5
Qurbani Animal Sacrifice
Allah have appointed sacrificial camels as symbols Allah-1
There is much good in them for you-2
Distribute meat who ask and who does not ask-3
Surely Allah defends those who believe
Permission (to fight) has been granted wronged
Expelled from Home for saying Allah is one
Allah will most certainly help those who will help Him
Allah help who establish Prayers,Zakah,and forbid evil
If they are give a lie,Thamud and Ad also gave their prophets
Time at Allah
Day with your Lord is as a thousand years of this world
Allah is the Truth,and other they invoke instead are false
For every people Allah have fixed a way of worship-1
Let them not dispute with you concerning this-2
Allah will judge among you the Day of Resurrection you disputed-3
When Quran is recited to them, the see it as most loath
If all of them(All Idols) unite, they cannot create a fly-1
If fly takes away anything the false God cannot snatch away-2
Such is helpless their God and their worshiper-3
They have not formed a true estimate of Allah
Allah chooses Messengers from angels,human beings
Believers, bow down and prostrate yourselves before Allah
Strive in the cause of Allah with all effort-1
Strive in the cause of Allah with full effort
Allah has chosen you, and He not laid any hardship in religion-2
Keep to the faith of your father Abraham-3
Allah named you Muslims earlier and even in this (Book)-4
That the Messenger may be a witness over you-5
And that you may be witnesses over all mankind-6
So establish Prayer, and pay Zakah, and hold fast to Allah-7
He is your Protector, What an excellent Protector-8
what an excellent Helper-9
Slaughter in the name of Allah
Neither their flesh reaches Allah nor their blood-1
It is your piety that reaches Him-2
You may derive benefit from sacrificial animals
Most blessed is He Who sent down this Criterion
Who created everything and determined its destiny
They say Quran is nothing but forged by Mohammad
They say These are merely fairy tales of the ancients
Quran has been sent by Allah master heavens and earth
He is Most Forgiving, Most Compassionate
He eats,drinks like us why Allah not sent Angel
Why was a treasure not bestowed upon him-2
See what specious arguments they put forth-4
Gardens beneath which rivers flow, and stately mansions-6
If Allah wills he can provide better than they say-5
They will hear Hell Fire raging and roaring
Allah has kept Blazing Fire ready who denies the Hour-1
When they will be flung chained,ask for destruction-3
Ask them Is this state better or the Garden of Eternity-1
the Garden wherein whatever they desire will be fulfilled
Allah will ask from Idols, who asked them to worship?-1
Deities will say It did not behoove us worship God than you-2
Thus will those deities give the lie to all -3
Non-Believers will see Angles on day of judgement
That day whole cavalcade of angels will be made to descend
That will be a hard day for those that deny the Truth
On Judgement,the wrong-doer will bite his hands-1
Saying Would that I had stood by the Messenger-2
Satan proved to be a great betrayer of man-3
It is they who made mockery of Quran-4
O Mohammad There was enemy of every prophet
They say,Why was the Quran not revealed all once?-1
It was revealed so that We may fully impress your mind-2
We have revealed it gradually as per plan in fragments-3
Allah provides right answer when they ask the question-4
Dis-believer of Noah was drowned by Allah
Whenever they see you they think you an object of mockery
One who has carnal desire, its hard for you to guide
They are worse then the cattle, who does not understand
Sign of Allah how we revive dead land into greenery
O prophet dont follow unbelievers,convince with Quran
And He it is Who has joined the two seas-1
One sweet and palatable,the other saltish and bitter-2
And He has set a barrier so that sea does not mix-3
Say to them I ask of you no reward for my work
Mohammad put trust on who never dies(Allah)
O Mohammad put trust on who never dies(Allah)
When you ask to prostrate to them , they make fun of it
Most blessed is He Who set constellation in the heavens
Believer entreat from Allah to save from Hell
True servant of Allah, neither extravagant nor miser
True believer do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse
If one repents Allah forgives sins and turn sin into rewards
True believers do not bear witness to any falsehood
When Quran is recited to them, dont turn a bling eye
Duwa for children
Pray O Allah my spouses and children and joy to me
Say my Allah does care whether you pray or not-1
But he will punishes for you forge lie against HIm-2
True believer does sincere repentance
This Book, beyond all doubt, was revealed by the Lord
Allah duly proportioned him,breathed into him of His spirit
Death angel who take your souls shall gather you
Send back to world again
The guilty will stand downcast in front of Allah-1
We have seen and heard now-2
Send us back to the world we will do only god deeds-3
They will be told had I would have guided every person-4
But Word from Me that I will fill Hell with men and jinn-5
Today the promise has been fulfilled-6
You forgot Me in the world today Allah forgets you-7
In the hell, taste the chastisement-8
When our verses is revealed, believers fall prostrate
One he believes and one does not, cannot be equal
Wrong-doers will taste chastisement here and hereafter
Who is more unjust,they are given counsel, they deny
Allah created among you leaders who guided people
They say If you are truthful,when will the Judgement come-1
Tell them, if non-believers,believes on that day of no use-2
Leave them alone and wait, and the will wait too-3
Believers pray to the god with hope and fear
Verily We bestowed the Book upon Moses-1
So entertain no doubt if(Mohammad) received the same-2
We had made that Book a guidance for the Children of Israel-3
Allah loves those who fight in the way of Allah
Moses said to his people why do you harass me
Jesus prophecy about Prophet Mohammad
Jesus told to his people i am messenger of Allah-1
I confirm Torah which Allah had sent before me-2
And After me a messenger will come called Ahmad-3
But when he(Mohammad) came they denied it-4
They want to extinguish Allah light by blowing with mouth
He it is who send messengers to guide to true religion
Allah will not bargain with you which will be loss
Help from Allah and a victory that will come soon
Believers, become Allahs helpers, He will grant victory
Your companion(Mohammad) has neither strayed nor deluded
By stars when it set
Prophet speaks the revelation from Allah, the powerful
Gabriel came to prophet Mohammad(from air) near him
Gabriel came very near to him(When first revelation)
Then Gabriel revealed the Quran to him
And All this he(Mohammad) saw with open eyes
O Quraysh then are you still going to contend?
He(Prophet Mohammad) saw Gabriel second time
Prophet Muhammad went second time in Sidratul muntaha
Sidaratul muntaha is beyond description(for human)
His eye did not waver, nor did it stray
Prophet saw greatest Signs(At sidaratul muntaha)
Al-Lat,al-Uzza and al-Manat are names invented by Arabs
To Allah belong both the Next World and the present
There are numerous Angels but does not have intercession power
Man can never be sinless
Those who avoid grave sins and shameful deeds-1
Even if they may sometimes stumble into lesser offences-2
Surely your Lord is abounding in His Forgiveness-3
He is aware of you since He produced you from the earth-4
So do not boastfully claim yourselves to be purified-5
Ignorant Arabs
Allah created male and female from sperm
Allah is Who bestowed wealth and riches
Quran is revelation from Allah, the Almighty
None but only disbeliever denies the Quran
All prophets were disputed and hated initially
The angels that bear the Throne and extol Him-1
And ask for forgiveness for the believers-2
You hated Allah in the world, now you hate yourself
They will say O Allah now I believe after seeing the death
When you were called to Allah, you denied that time
Allah sends provision from Sky
So call upon Allah, consecrating all your devotion to Him
He causes the spirit to descend on whomsoever of His servants
That day Allah will ask Whose is the kingdom today?-1
Whole world will cry It is Allah only-2
ON the day of judgement heart will come to the mouth
He knows even the most stealthy glance of the eyes
Allah will judge with justice
Verily We sent Moses with Our Signs and a clear authority
Story of Moses-7 Surah Ghafir
That day You will cry out to one another for help
When he died they said will Allah not Messenger after him
Allah seal heart of everyone who is proud and high-handed
Call upon your Lord to lighten the chastisement for us just for a day
We will help believers and messengers this world,hereafter
Excuses offered by the wrong-doers shall not avail
Never can blind(Non-believes) and seeing(Believers) be equal
The Hour will indeed come; there is no doubt about that
Allah says Pray to Me, and I will accept your prayers
Who wax too proud to worship Me shall enter Hell-2
He is the Ever-Living: there is no god but He
Say I have been forbidden to worship those beside Allah
On day of judgement,Where are those whom you worshiped?-1
The false Gods left us whom we worshiped
You denied on earth and you were happy-3
So,Enter Hell now to abide therein forever
So be patient, (O Prophet).Allah's promise is true
Whether I punish them while you are among them or call you-2
Eventually they shall be brought back to us-3
Allah has sent many messengers before you-1
Some of Messangers detail Allah have narrated and some not
All Messengers showed the Sings from Allah's Help only
Then which of Allahs Signs will you deny
They believed seeing Allah punishment-1
But their believing did not help, was doomed-2
The Scene of Qayamah
The unbelievers challenge for Punishment of Day of Judgement
The time of Day of judgement is 50 throusand years
O Prophet bear with patience
The day of punishment is very near
That day the sky will be like molten Brass
The mountains will be like woolen tuft
No best friend will ask about each other
The guilty will try to give ransom his children for his sins
With fierce flame the scalp will strip off
Punishment for wealth hoarder
Man is impatient,weeps if ill-falls,forgets in happiness
And glad tidings for those who pray and is consistent
Who spends his wealth in the way of Allah
Who firmly believes in day of judgement
Who guard their private part except wives
Who fulfill trust of covenant-16
Who are upright in their testimonies
Who has special care for prayer-18
Do those who challenges think they will enter Jannah?
Allah has the power to replace better people with you
Let them enjoy till the day of judgement
The Day when they hastily come forth from their graves
That day their eyes will be downcast out of shame
By the pen
You Beloved prophet are not mad
And surely yours shall be a never-ending reward
Your conduct is of high excellence
O Prophet dont yield to infidels
Soon shall We brand him(The Wrong-doers) on his snout-6
Story of two men and Orchards
Non-believers will not have same bounty of Allah as believer
Allah will now allow to bow down
People will be asked to prostrate but they will not be able to
And yet they will not be able to prostrate-2
Their eyes shall be downcast and will not be able to prostrate
So, leave them alone of the prophet, Allah will deal with them
The guidance of Allah is for whole mankind
When Hypocrites meet they say you are messengers of Allah-1
They take false oath in front of you-2
Allah put a seal on their heart, so they not understand-3
They are your utter enemy so be careful-4
Whether you make duwa for them or not Allah will not grant-5
The treasures of the heavens and the earth belong to Allah
They say if I go to Mdina, the powerful will drive out-6
Believers, dont let your wealth,children divert from Allah-1
Before death should come to any of you and he should say-3
Had you delayed my death I would have spent for good-4
But when a persons time end, Allah never grants any respite-5
He bestows it on whomsoever He pleases
They were provided Torah but they did not follow properly
Judaism think that they are excursively Allahs favorite
Jumah Friday Prayer
When the call for Prayer is made on Friday hasten for it.
Which is with Allah is far better than amusement,trading
Day of judgement is bound to happen
They used to sleep but little by night-1
And would ask for forgiveness at dawn-2
They would spend to needy and destitute
Sustenance is decided in heaven(by Allah)
Story of Abraham and wife-6(Adh-Dhariyat)
Story of Moses and Pharaoh(Adh-Dhariyat)-8
Allah has created everything in pairs
If you keep away people who does not heed, no blame-1
But keep exhorting them, its beneficial who pay heed-2
Allah has created man and jinn only for worship of Allah
Woe, then, those who disbelieved in that Day
If you have left (homes and) for Allah-1
Do not make friends with My enemies and your enemies
They hate and expelled you just because you believe Allah-3
Neither kinship nor offspring will avail on day of judgement
Abraham is good example of true believer
Allah may implant love between you and your enemy
You can be friend with those who did not fight against you
Allah forbids you from those who drove you from home
Ask them have their God created any part of the earth?
Who they worship will not respond their call till the day of judgement
The worshiped Gods will speak against their devotees that day
Non-believers called Allah message This is plain sorcery
I do not know what shall be done with me or with you
What will happen(To Non-believer) if Quran were words of God?
Surely those who said Our Lord is Allah-1
And remained steadfast,nothing to fear nor,grieve-2
We have enjoined man to be kind to his parents-1
In pain did his mother bear him and-2
The weaning periods of baby is thirty months-3
When he reaches 40, he prays to Allah for parents-4
Duwa for parents
For such, good deed accept and overlook bad deeds-5
They will be among the people of Paradise-6
Woe to the children who does not obey their parents-7
On day of judgement Allah will say to non-believers-1
Now hell is your adobe-4
You have exhausted your share of enjoyment in the world-2
You turned blind eye and enjoyed on earth-3
Story of Ad-3
Allah sent Messages repeatedly in diverse forms
Story of Jinn Listening to Quran
Allah to Believers about Marriage with Migrant women
Prophet, Enter into Islam if the women promise righteousness
O Prophet, why do you forbid what Allah has made lawful for you-1
Allah has prescribed for you a way for the absolution of your oaths-2
Secret disclosure by wives of prophet-3
Believers Guard you and your family from hell fire
Non-believers you are recompensed what you did on earth
Man was non-existant-1
Allah has showed the right path-2
For the unbelievers,chains and fetters and a Blazing Fire
Drink of cup mixed with camphor for virtuous-1
Gushing spring of wine
This will be reward for fear of Allah and day of judgement
Reward for those who feed the needy
in Jannah Neither burning heat nor chill cold
Shades will bend towards jannati and fruit will come near
Passed around them vessels of silver and goblets of crystal
Flavored Ginger drink from Jannat tree called Salsabil
There boys of everlasting youth shall go about attending them
There will be glory of Allah all around
Remember the name of your Lord, morning and evening
At night, and during the long watches of the night
He admits to His Mercy whomsoever He pleases
Zihar (Pre-Islamic Talaq)
Allah has heard her complain-1
None are their mothers except those who gave birth to them
Who says your wife mother feed 60 persons as expiation
Who says wife his mother, free slave or fast for 60 days
who oppose Allah and His Messenger shall be brought low
Allah is with them wherever they may be
Dont converse in secrecy against Allah and his prophet
Whispering is an act of Satan, grieving the believers-1
Without Allahs leave no harm can be caused to them-2
So in Allah should the believers put all their trust-3
Allah will raise to high ranks those who believe
When you come to the Messenger,offer some charity
Non-believers will falsely swear that day to Allah
Satan gained mastery over them neglecting remembering Allah
Surely Allah and his messengers will prevail
True believers will leave everyone for Allah
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the entire universe
The Master of the Day of Recompense
You alone do we worship, and You alone do we turn for help
Ask for guidance
Non-Believers will wish if they were Muslim-1
Let them eat and enjoy the worldly life-2
No people can prevent the destruction time-3
Allah does not send Angles simply on your call-1
When Allah sends Angles, they bring destruction-2
They call you a mad person
Allah has taken responsibility of Protecting Quran
Allah prophets were mocked
Even Allah opens door to heaven for non-believers-1
Eyes will be dazzled on the resurrection day
Allah has decorated constellations of stars in the sky-1
Satan is barred to reach to eavesdrop there-2
The which tries to reach fire is sent to them-3
Allah gives sustenance in regulated measures
Alah knows who have passed before and who will come later
Men is created Black Mud ringing clay
Jinn is created out of Blazing Fire
Adam creation and refusal of Iblis
There are 7 gates in Hell
They will be told Enter it in peace and security
Jannati will not feel fatigue
At the same time, My chastisement is highly painful
Story of Abraham and wife-6(Surah Al-Hijr)
Al hijr was the capital of Thamud
They carved out houses from the mountains secure
Allah has bestowed Seven oft-repeated verses(Al fatiha)
O prophet Dont grieve seeing the wealth of rich
Allah knows that their mocking off grieves you-1
In that time, glorify your lord-2
And worship your lord till last breath of life
Allah knows what descends into earth and goes to to heaven
They challenge you when the last hour come-1
Say the last hour surely comes-2
On that day, Allah will reward the righteous-1
And Allah will Punish the non-believers-2
Who has knowledge sees(Revelation) that this leads to Allah
One who does not believe hereafter will be punished
Dont they see the heaven and earth encompasses him?-1
If Allah wills He can cause the earth to swallow him-2
Or cause the fragment of the sky to fall on him-3
We softened the iron for him
Allah subdued the wind to Solomon
Jinn would make for him whatever he wanted to-1
Like stately buildings, images, basins like water-troughs-2
When Allah commanded death of Solomon jinn could not know-1
The jinn only knew when his stick was eaten up by worm-2
And then Solomon fell down-3
People of Sheba and gardens
Say whom you worship cannot make smallest object
No intercession can avail with Allah except for him whom Allah permits
Tell them You will not be asked about our guilt-1
Nor will we be called to account for what you did-2
Allah will judge between you and me-3
And We sent you for guidance and peace to mankind
The unbelievers say: We shall never believe in this Quran
Whenever Allah sent Amessengers wealthy one denies
Allah will ask angels did they worship you?-1
They will tell not us but they worshiped jinn-2
They say he(Mohammad) wants to turn away from the deities
Allah has not given any Book to worship Idols or Jinn
Say Allah sends down revelation to me
Say If I go astray,hurt of straying will be only upon me
The unbelievers will go in a state of terror in hell-1
They will say, now i believe, but that will be of no use-2
A barrier will be placed between them and what they desire
Verily Allah has power over everything
Angles have 2 3 or 4 wings
O people, remember Allahs favor upon you.
O people the promise of Allah is true so dont deluded
Surely Satan is an enemy to you-1
He calls his followers to his way so that-2
They may be among the inmates of the Fire-3
A severe chastisement lies in store for those that disbelieve,
All glory belongs to Allah alone
In spite of different taste in water fish meat is same
The past destruction stories are told so that you pay heed
Earth and mountains will be crushed that day
when the sky will be rent asunder
Eight Angels will hold throne of Allah
Lofty Gardens
The cluster of fruits will hang near Jannati
Food of jahannami filth from the washing of wounds
The speech is from honorable messenger
Quran has been revealed by the Lord of the Universe
Quran is for God fearing
Quran is truth from Allah
Glorify the name of your Lord Most Great
Therein they shall hear no idle talk, nor any falsehood
By the winds
Day of judgement will surely will come
When star will lose is luster
All messengers will be gathered on day of Judgement
Woe on that Day who gives the lie to the Truth
Mountains to give sweet waters
Allah will re-join finger tips on the day of judegement
Evil doer does not mend their ways even knowing all
Scene of day of judgement
When Sun and Moon will be joined together
(O Prophet) Dont remember revelation hastily
Ardent love of wealth and are oblivious of the Hereafter
Some faces that day will be radiant
Some faces that day will be gloomy
Hell for not praying
Non-believers brags not accepting the truth from Allah
Does man think that he will be left alone, unquestioned?
Does He, then, not have the power to bring back the dead to life?
Epithet of Prophet Mohammad by Allah
keep Yourself Clean
And help other without any return
Allah decree about Walid bin al-Mughirah
What is hell?
Each one is a hostage to one's deeds-1
Except the people of the right hand-2
People of the right hand will ask why are you in hell?-3
They will answer, did not observe prayer and feed poor-4
And indulged in vain talk and did not believer hereafter-5
Intercession will not be accepted for such people-6
They ask why not send letters from Allah to Makkan chiefs
This is an Exhortation
Recite Quran slowly
Night Prayers helps in self Control uprightness in speech.
You are mostly occupied in the day so pray in the night
O prophet leave them to Us, We will deal with them
and a food that chokes, and a grievous chastisement
Prophet has been sent to witness over you(Makkan)
On Day of judgement children will turn grey-haired
Sometimes stand up in Prayer two-thirds of the night-1
And sometimes half or one-third of it-2
So now recite as much of the Quran as you can-3
Give Allah a goodly loan-5
Good you send forth for yourselves,will find with Allah-6
And ask for Allahs forgiveness-7
Surely He is Most Forgiving, Most Compassionate-8
Story of Nuh
Duwae Nuh
When you divorce women,divorce for waiting-period-1
Count the waiting period accurately-2
Do not turn them out of their homes-3
Unless they have committed a manifestly evil deed-4
Allah may to pave the way (for reconciliation)-5
And when they reach the end of their term (of waiting)-1
Then either retain in marriage or part honorably-2
Allah will find a way out for him who fears Allah-3
Allah gives sustainable where you cannot imagine
The helpf of Allah is sufficient
Waiting period for pregnant women is until she give birth
(During the waiting period) keep them to your means-1
(During the waiting period) keep them to your means-1
And do not harass them to make them miserable-2
And if they are pregnant, provide for them maintenance-3
And if they suckle your baby, give them due recompense-4
If find difficulty, then let another woman suckle the child-5
Allah has create seven heavens and earths like this
Banishment of Bani Nadir from Madina
Accept whatever prophet gives you and refrain what he forbids
Hypocrites are like satan
Believers fear Allah and think about hereafter
And be not like those who forgot Allah
Hell dweller and Paradise dweller cannot be same
Had Quran revealed on mounts it had crushed into pieces
Event of Day of Judgement
Virtuous ones will be near stationed to Allah
All People from starting to day of judgement
Reclining on them, arrayed face to face
In Jannah there will be Immortal youth
Drinks of Jannah will not intoxicate mind
Jannati will live among throne less tote tree
and flower-clad acacias
and gushing water
Virgin spouses
Warning to the people of the left hand
Black Smoke
You eject sperm but do you create child from it?
You know very well how Allah has done firs creation
Have you not seen how Allah has grows plant from seed
Do you consider the water you drink?
Do you consider the fire you kindle?
Allah reminds how He has provided rizq
By the star, Quran is indeed Noble
Quran cannot touch by impure
If you have power, can you stop death?
Allah is closer than man when death comes
The moon will split asunder on the day of judgement
Narrative of ancient nations has been told so that they deter-1
The narratives which are full of wisdom-2
The incident of Day of judgement
Story of Noah part-4
Allah has made Quran easy for remembrance
Story of Hud-3
Story of Thamud-2
Story of Lut-4
Allah has destroyed rebel nations will you(Makkan) be spared?
The evil doers will be drag with face to Hell Fire
Allah has created everything in balance
Allah one command is enough to execute anything
Who shuns disobedience will enter Jannah and sit in front of Allah
By the Quran
They wonder how a prophet can be from themselves
They give a lie so they are perplexed about the truth
Do they no see how Allah has created heaven without crack
Man will be raised as dead land is brought to greenery
People of Noah,Rass,Thamud,Pharoah,Lot etc rejected Prophets
If Allah has power of first creation why not can He raise again
Allah has created man and is closer than Jugular vein
There are two scribes on the left and right side of the man(Kiraman Katebin)
You were heedless of Day of judgement, now see it
Cast the stubborn non-believers into Hell Fire
Allah will ask Hell are you full? It will say give me more
Paradise will be brought closer for God Fearing
Jannati will be told this is the promise Allah has made, He fulfilled
Allah is beyond perception of Human being
There is a lesson(Quran words) who pays heed
Celebrate His glory, in the wake of prostration
O Prophet you are not forced to exhort them to accept Islam
There are numerous Signs in earth and heavens for believers
There is signs in Human creation and animal creations also
Whenever they see Signs of Allah they make fun of it, Hell for them
Pophet,Tell the believers not care who dont expect Hereafter
Who does good bad do his own benefit or harm
Allah granted Children of Israeli Prophethood and power-1
Yet they differed and disputed about the truth-2
Allah has granted High rank to you, Follow Allah and not their desire
Allah is friend of Righteous, wrong-doers are friend of each other
They say Bring back our forefathers if you(Prophet) are true
All praise to Allah, the Lord of the heavens and earth
Quran was revealed on the blessed night
On This night every matter is decided
Allah is all Hearing all Seeing
They have doubt about day of Judgement
That day the sky will envelop people with smoke-1
People will say, Allah relive the scourge we will believe -2
When messengers came to them, they told them madman-3
Allah will not relive their scourage-4
Story of Moses and Pharaoh -8
They say this is our first and last life, will not be raised again
When they meet Allah in Jannat Say Fiha Salaam
Story of Moses and Pharaoh-9 Surah Ibrahim
Story of Lut-5
Jews had splitted the Torah into Pieces
Allah directs to do good be kind and avoid bad
Taking Revenge in Islam
Quran Warns of those who don't believe in hereafter
Dont waste and devour wealth but give to needy and relatives
Lived in the world for very short time
All prophets was helped by Allah
Man is indeed ever niggardly
If Sea is made Ink words of Allah cannot be written
Quran is reminder for those who fear Allah
Sinners voices will be hushed up
After eating forbidden Fruits their shame started to show
They covered their shame with leaves
Allah will raise the transgressors blind on day of Judgement
Dont divert yourself seeing other's worldly life
Enjoin Prayer in your house
Allah does not ask you wealth He provides you.
Allah makes you ill and good by way of trial
They will cry in Hell but noise of hell will be more to hear them
Stories of Noah part-5(Al-mominun)
Seek Refuge from Evil
Punishment for those who do not believe in hereafter
Only Allah has full hidden knowledge
He is All-Mighty All-Knowing
Allah will provide more than Good Deeds and Equal to bad deeds
If your parent ask to worship other God dont obey them
Jannah for good deed doers
Only non-believers despair of Allah mercy
Animals does not carry foods but Allah provides substances
Dont walk haughty on the earth
Knowledge of 5 subjects is only to Allah
If you do good, your reward is double
By the wise Quran
They mock when they are shown signs of Allah
Wide Eyed hurein
Jannati will ask where are my friends who used to deny hereafter?
They will be told they are in the lower pit Hell-2
Jannati will say you had almost ruined me but Allah saved me-3
We will never die here-4
Allah's earth is spacious
I am the first whom has been told to worship Allah
Never does Allah fail to fulfil His promise
Book with the Truth for all mankind
Historical Powerful King
Tubba(Yaman King)
No friend will be helper to each other at the day of Judgement
It will boil in their bellies
There will be no second death in Jannah
Jannah will be a great triumph for righteous
The world is pleasurable place for non-believers
Allah was pleased with the believers
The name Mohammad mentioned in Quran
They are recognized by marks on their head for prostration to Allah
Islam will prevail over other religion
Had non-believers fought against you, they would have been defeated
Allah has favored you with by embellishing faith in you
Believers be patient while you are with mesanger
By the heavens
They ask When will day of judgement come?
There are many signs in your own creations
This is the Hell which you used to give the lie to
Prophet Mohammad does not speak on his own
Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky
I dont ask money for my preaching from you
From these seas comes pearls and corals
All in the heavens and the earth entreat Him for their needs
O man and jinn you cannot go beyond the realm of heavens and Earth
The culprits will be identified by their marks
Had Allah willed He would have made water bitter
Allah is there wherever you are
You compete each other to amass wealth and children
Compete each other in Good Deeds
Everything is inscribed in the Book so don't grieve if you lose anything
Allah names are beautiful
Dont marry until she believes
Believers! Why do you say what you do not do?
Believers spend in way of Allah while you are alive or else repent after death
Believe in Allah and his prophets and the light that he has sent down
Be Charitable
If you give loan to Allah he will give you many fold
Dominion of universe is in Allah hand
Allah has created life and death to test your deeds
Forgiveness and a mighty reward await those who fear Allah without seeing Him
Allah has made the earth subservient for you
Allah has the power to cave in inside the earth
Allah has the power to fall storm from the sky
Allah holds the bird in air
If Allah wills no army can save you from Allah
Allah has given you eyes, ears and hearts to think
Allah has multiplied you on earth and he will gather you again
Day of judgement is near your hand
Does infidels has knowledge of unseen?
Riches will not avail them
Command will be to seize them and cast into hell fire
Then fasten him with a chain, seventy cubits long
He would not feed the poor
Had he(Mohammed s a ) forged the Quran, I would have seized him
And then severed his life vein
Who seeks pleasure(sexual ) beyond rule of Allah is transgressors
We(jinn) will not be able to frustrate Allah
Allah has sent you as a messenger to witness them like Pharaoh
When a mans soul reaches up to the throat
Wadd, Suwa, Yaghuth, Yauq, and Nasr were Deities name at time of Noah
Fixed the mountain
Allah has made the sleep your repose
Hell is in Ambush
Death Angels
Death Angels View each other in taking the souls
Quake on the day of judgement
Story of Moses -10 (An-Naziat)
Valley of Tuwa
Stubborn Non-Believers
Each men will run away from one other
Wife and children will run away from husband and father
Family member will forget each other on the day of judgement
On the day of judgment some faces will be joyful an radiant
Some faces of the day of judgment will be dusty
When the sun will be folded up
When pregnant will abandon their foetus
See will be set to boiling
When the souls will be re-joined to body
He saw the Angel on clear Horizon
Quran is not word of Satan
Everyone will know their deeds previous and later
O Man what prevents you to worship Allah
Allah shaped you whatever form he liked
Allah shaped you whatever form he liked
But you deny hereafter
What do you know about the day of judgment is?
Day of judgment is when only Allah will have command
Give a lie to those who deny hereafter
Their hearts are rusted because of sin
Sinners and Transgressors will be screened-off from seeing Allah
The faces of Jannati will be radiant
Tasnin the fountain of Jannah will drink the chosen one only
Wicked ones used to laugh at believers
Today the believers are laughing at non-believers
When the earth will cast out what is inside it
People of the left hand will cry out for destruction
When Quran is recited to them, the see it as most loath
By the sky
BY the day of judgment
Hell fire for those who torment believers
Your lords punishment is very hard
Allah is the The Executor of what He wills
Night visitors Piercing Stars
Living Being
Each Living Being has protector (Allah) over it
Emanating from between the loins and the ribs
Allah has the power to bring the life back
All secrets of men will be revealed that day
Quran is surely a decisive Word
Allah will make you recite and you will not forget(Quran)
in Hell they will neither die in it nor live
He who purified himself by remembering and praying shall prosper
Men prefers present life to hereafter
You have no authority to compel them to enter into Islam
Whoever turns away from the truth Allah will cast him in hell fire
First 10 days (Jilhijja) or last 10 days(Lailatul Qadr)
Allah is ever watchful
Man love the riches ardently and does not spend
Allah will appear with rows of Angels
When the Hell is brought near
Does man think that no one can overpower him?
Who spends his wealth to purify himself.
Allah will be pleased with those who seeks to please Allah
Your lord has not forsaken you neither he is displease with you
What will come will be better for you
Did Allah not open cleansed your heart
Allah has raised (Prophet Mohammad's) Rememberance
There is ease with hardship
Read in the name of Allah
Man thinks he is self sufficient(while he is not)
Guards of Hell
Night of power is better than 1000 months
Angels along with Spirit descends in that night
All peace is till the dawn
Quran is true and without mistake
And the earth will throw up all her burdens
So, whoever does an atom's weight of good shall see it
And whoever does an atom's weight of evil shall see it
That day human being will be like scattered moth
Man is in Loss Except those who do righteous deeds and counsel other for the same
Wo to wealth hoarder
The hellfire will rise to the heart of criminals
Wo to those who are heedless in Prayer
Wo to those who do good (in order) to be seen.
Wo to those who deny people the articles of common necessity.
Allah has bestowed you in abundance
Offer Prayer and sacrifice to your Lord alone
I seek refuge with the Lord of the rising day
I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind
Quran is a guidance for the pious
Quran is the guidance
Quran is the guidance for those who believe in Allahs previous books and hereafter
Try Hard They will not believe
Allah has sealed their hearts, eyes and ears
They say we believe but in actual they dont believe
There is a disease in their hearts
They are like deaf dumb and blind
If you are doubt about Quran produce a one Surah like this
Fear of the Hell Fire whose fuel is men and stones
For believer there is gardens, pure spouses and fruits resembling in this world
Allah gives examples of mosquitos
Allah mentions Life-Cycle of Human Being
Allah decided to Create Human Beings
Angels told to Allah man will create mischief on earth
Allah taught the names of All things
Forbidden Tree Of Jannah
Seek Help Throuh Prayer/Salah & Patience
Children Of Israel were Exalted over the Entire World
Allah reminds how children of Israel was saved from Pharaoh
Male children were killed and female were saved by Pharaoh
Calf Worship By Israelites
Moses was given scripture by Allah
Children of Israel insisted to see Allah Directly
Allah asked Children of Israel to enter gate with prostration but they disobeyed
Moses/Musa and 12 Spring of water
Israel iasked for variety of foods from Allah saying they are fed-up eating same Children of israel asked for variety of fruits and vegetables
Children of Israel killed prophets
Jews, Christians or Sabians – who believe in Allah-1
And the Last Day, and do righteous deeds-2
Their Rewards are with Allah and shall have no fear -3
Story of Cow slaughter - Surah Baqra
O prophet Mohammed they will hardly listen to you
When they meet you(Prophet Mohammad) say believes, actually the dont
Moses fainted and could not see Allah, Allah forgave him
Among them some are unlettered who follow conjectures
They write out the Scriptures with their own hands and say its from Allah
They say Fire of Hell will touch us for limited days
Those who believe and do righteous deeds are the people of the Garden
Children of Israel took Covenant but turned back from that
You are killing one another, turning out a party of your own from their homelands
When truth came(Quran) they refused to accept it
They console themselves they are the right ones
When they are asked to Believe in Quran they say we only believe in our book
They deny the guidance revealed by Allah
They think they only will go to Jannah and no one else
The Quran revealed by Gabriel confirms the previous books
whoever is an enemy of His Angels and His Messengers is enemy of Allah
We surely sent down to you clear verses that elucidate the Truth
When messenger of Allah came with truth they denied
Two angels of Babylon Harut and Marut
People of Babylon Learned magic to divide between wife and husband
Do not say (to the Prophet): Raina (Lend ear to us), but say Unzurna
Whatever verse we abrogate or replace is better than before
They say only Jews & Christen will enter Jannah
Rather only those will go Jannah who submits to Allah and do good deed
Christian Say there is no basis of Jews Belief and vice-versa
Who is more iniquitous than he who bars Allahs places of worship
Ignorant ones say why Allah does not speak to us?
Children of Israel were exalted above the nations of the world
Allah asked Ibrahim and Ismael to clean the house from Idols(Kabah)
When direction of prayer was changed from Jerusalem to Kabah
O Mohammad! You will be witness to all people
Excel one another in good works
Allah will bring you all together wherever you might be
We sent among you a Messenger of yourselves
So remember Me and I shall remember you
Give thanks to Allah and do not be ungrateful
Allah is with those that are patient
Whoever are killed in the way of Allah are not dead they are alive
Allah will test you by hunger,properties and lives
We belong to Allah, and it is to Him that we are destined to return
al-Safa and al-Marwah
Surely, al-Safa and al-Marwah are the symbols of Allah
Allah curses those you get clear guidance and conceals it
Who died as disbeleiver, curse of Allah & angels is on them
There are many Signs of Allah in the heavens and earth
Satan Commands you for evil acts and commit indecency and ascribe to Allah
Those who have refused to follow the Way of Allah resemble cattle
Believers Eat of the pure things wherewith We have provided you
True righteousness consists in:
Retribution of killing
1.If a freeman is guilty then the freeman
3.If a female is guilty, then the female.
2.If a slave is guilty then the slave
Property bequeath before Death
Fasting Ramadan
Fasting is enjoined as it was enjoined upon before
How to compensate if you miss fast
Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadaan
Sex with wife During the Night of Ramadan
Your wives are your garments and you are their garments
Eat and Drink until Black Streak turns into White
Allah is nearer to men
Waxing and waning of moon is noting but Physical Phenomenon
Enter not house from Backyard after Kabah visit(Pre Islamic)
Fight in the way of Allah against but dont transgress
1-Kill them whenever you confront them
2.And drive them out from where they drove you out
Fight with them untill mischief ends
Take due care of all the prayers, and the middle prayers
Help specially those who does not go for begging though they are needy
Even in state of fear dont miss the Prayers whether on foot or riding
Attack they way your Enemy Attacks you but dont transgress
Death penalty for those who kills other
Quran is full of wise admonition and signs
We make no distinction between any of the previous prophets
Anyone who seeks religion other than Islam will not be accepted to Allah
Allah does not guide the wrong-doers
Curse of Allah and his Angels who believes and then disbelieves
Allah may forgive if they repent except hardened disbeliever
Who believes and disbelieves their chastisement will not be relieved
Disbelievers who died in that state no ransom will be accepted on day of judgement
You shall not attain righteousness until you spend what you love in way of Allah
All food that is lawful to Muhammad s.a. was lawful to christen nd Jews also.
Those who falsly accuse Allah, in spite of knowing everything are wrong doers
Say Follow the path of Abraham who never associated God with any one else
Kabah is full of blessing and a center of guidance for the whole world
There is clear Signs in Kabah
Pilgrimage to Kabah is a duty owed to Allah by all who can make their way to it
Say People of the Book Why do you reject the signs of Allah
Say People of the Book Why do you hinder one who believes from the way of Allah
Believers if you follow part of the book(Changed Torah Injeel) you may divert
Whoever holds fast to Allah will certainly be guided to the straight way
Believers Fear Allah you do not die except in the state of Believe
Hold fast together to the cable of Allah and be not divided
And from among you there must be a party who invite for good and ask to avoid bad
Do not fell into factions and differ among themselves after clear signs
On that day believers faces will be white and disbelievers ones will be black
Those whose faces will be bright will go to heaven
O Allah dont destroy us for our unrighteous predecessors
Good Tidings for the believers who often repents, turns to Allah, enjoin good
Closing and spreading of wings by birds in the sky is hold by Allah
Wherever you are turn your face towards Holy Mosque
Dont indulge in sensual and indecent act while on Hajj
One can seek bounty of Allah during Hajj/Umarah
Duwa for this world and hereafter also
It is no sin for him who hastens off and returns in two days
There are who speaks sweet by are fierce in enmity
Allah is Immensely Kind to servants who is sincere in devotion to Allah
In spite of Clear message of Allah if you stumble upon be ready for punishment
One who denies Allah are they waiting Allah and his Angels to descend
Children of Israel has been many clear Signs of Allah still they denies
Allah grants it to whomsoever He wills without measure
In the beginning mankind followed one single way later they differed
The Help of Allah help is near
Spend for your parents and kinsmen, the orphans the needy and the wayfarer
Gambling and wine has some benefit but there is more harm in it
Within divorce of 3 menstrual period if husband want can take wife back
Pronouncing divorce twice either retain her or release her
After pronouncing divorce thrice she is not lawful for you
If you have divorced and waiting period is over don hinder her to marry
After divorce if the bay is suckling mother may suckle for two years
After divorce dont take back what you had given to her
If husband dies women should wait for 4 months and 10 days for re-marrying
Propose women for marriage dont keep secret relationship
And if you divorce them before you touch them or settle a bridal gift
Be watchful over the Prayers and stand before Allah with sincerity.
If you die leaving your wives should make testament of one year provision
Let there be a fair provision for the divorced women
Children of Israel promised, but did not fight
David killed Goliath (Jalut)
Allah have exalted some of messengers above the others
Spend in the way of Allah before death comes to you
Allah the Ever-Living the Self-Subsisting
Allah is the guardian for believers and Evil is guardian for non-believers
Story of the prophet who awake after 100 years of death
To speak a kind word and to forgive peoples faults is better than charity
Do not nullify your acts of charity by showing your benevolence causing hurt
Spend good things and not defective ones which you dont like for yourselves
Satan frightens you with poverty and bids you to commit indecency
Allah knows whatever you spend or whatever you vow to spend
O Prophet your job is only to convey message
Who devour interest they are the one whom Satan has confounded them
Allah has made buying and selling lawful and (Interest) Riba haram
Once you have revved admonition may keep previous earing but leave now completely
Have fear of Allah and give up all outstanding interest if you do believe
But if the debtor is in straitened circumstance give him some respite
Dont lay burden more than what I can bear
If you are on journey and dont find any scribe then take pledgee
There are two types of Ayat in Quran Direct Meaning and Ambiguous meaning
The mischievous picks the ambiguous ones and put their own meaning
Allah never goes against his promise
And prostrate yourself in worship, and bow with those who bow
Jesus will speak in cradle
Punishment for who breaks the covenant of Allah and their oaths for a trivial gain
Quran the book of wisdom
Allah does not wrong anyone
Allah reminds prophet and Muslim about battle of Uhud
Duwa regarding patience
Who fights in the way of Allah his reward is in both the world
Those who do good and fear Allah there is a mighty reward
Dont grieve about those who who turns to disbelieve
Allah does not disclose the hidden knowledge except to the chosen Messengers
Gardens under which rivers flow
Dont marry the women whom you father had married
Dont marry existing married women
Judge with full justice
If you prefer next world to this world, fight in the way of Allah
Duwa to het rid of oppressor
Blood money for killing the believe mistakenly
Was the earth of Allah not wide why did you not migrate
Surely unbeliever are your open enemy
Who does wrong and ask forgiveness Allah forgives
If Allah wills he can replace whole human being with other
Believe in Allah, his messengers, Books and Angels
Double standard of Hypocrites
Payers of hypocrites
Allah is sufficient for a guardian
Believe in Hereafter
Right Guidance
Stubborn Infidels
Mischief Makers
Shaitan(Direct Word)
Sky(Direct Word)
Thunder / Lightning
Allah can do whatever He wants
O mankind Worship Allah
God Fearing
Earth(Direct Word)
Rain Water
Pure Wives of Jannah
Allah Knows Everything
Allah All-Knowing, the Wise
Allah Most-Relenting, the Merciful
Inmates of Hell
Children of Israel
Quran(Direct Word)
Quran(Indirect Word)
Pharaoh/Phiron(Direct Word)
Moses/Musa(Direct Word)
Death(Direct Word)
Clouds(Direct Word)
Vegetables(Direct Word)
Cereals And Eatables
Egyp Misar
Grace of Allah
In Sha Allah
Word of Allah
Book of Allah
Pay Zakat
Who buys this life on cost of Hereafter
Curse of Allah
Humiliating Punishment for Infidels
Prophets(Direct Word)
Mount Tur
Solomon Sulaiman
People of the Books
Allah has the power to do everything
To Allah belongs the Kingdom of Heavens & Earth
Christan / Nasara
One person will not suffer for the other
Intercession / Safayat
Intercession / Safayat
No intercession for Infidels
The Lord of all the worlds
Allah is not unmindful of what you do
Qibla (Direction)
Straight Path
Straight Path
Sacred Mosque
Allah is not unmindful of their deeds
O you who believe
Salat Prayer Namaz
Important Arabic Verses
Innaa lillaahi wa innaaa ilaihi raaji'oon
Misfortune / Musibah
Allah is the Most Appreciative, All-Knowing
Most Affectionate, Most Merciful
All power belongs to Allah
Non-believers will wish for another worldly life
O Mankind(Word)
Swine Flash
Allah is the Most Forgiving, Ever Merciful
Day of Judgement/Resurrection(Word)
Last Day
Last Day(Word)
Allah hears and knows
The Quran is guidance to mankind
Moon Sighting in the Ramadaan
Your wife is prohibited during Ramadan Iteqaf
New Moon of Hajj
Worship only Allah
Sacred month
Sacred Month(Word)
Allah loves those who are kind
Sacrificial animal for Hajj
Fast During Hajj
Rabbna Aatina Fidduniya Wa fil Aakharte Waqina Azabannar
Who sells his life in seeking the pleasures Allah
Allah is Mighty, the Most Wise
Allah is MostExalted, All-Wise
Allah loves those who are constantly repentant
Allah loves those who keep himself clean
Good Deeds
Allah is the Most Forgiving, Most Forbearing
Divorced Women
And Allah is Most Almighty, All-Wise
Limits of Allah
Trangress the Limit
Don't Mock Ayats of Allah
Believe in Allah and the Last Day
Allah Knows and you do not know
Baby weaning
Foster Mother
Allah is fully aware of whatever you do
Death and Life of city of WASIT
Allah is Most Gracious to people
Allah is All Knowing of the unjust
Allah bestows His kingdom to whom He wills
Allah is an all-encompassing, All-Knowing
Allah is the Bestower of bounty to all the world.
You are indeed the Rool of Allah(innaka laminal mursaleen)
For disbelievers, the protector is the devil
Non-believers are inmates of Hell to dwell forever
Allah is All-Powerful, All-Wise
O Believers!
Important Ayats
Ayatul Kursi
There is none worthy of worship but Allah
Allah never sleeps
Allah's throne encircles over the heavens and the earth
Allah alone is the Most Exalted, the Supreme
Dont boast or taunt after giving charity
Who good spends shall have no fear, no grieve
Allah is Self-Sufficient, Forbearing
Allah does not guide the people who disbelieve
And Allah sees what you do
Allah is free of need and Praiseworthy
Allah is All-Embracing, All-knowing
Allah will remove sins
Whatever good you spend is for yourselves
Whatever you spend, will be fully paid by Allah
Every soul will be compensated for what it earned
Make two witnesses from among your men
If two men are not available, then a man and two women
Who spends in the way of Allah shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve
Believer Believes in Allah, Messengers, Angels & Books
Allah Alone is the protector against disbelievers
Severe Punishment
Allah is The Almighty Lord of retribution
Allah shapes man in the wombs of mothers as He wishes
The Book(Quran)
Crooked Heart
Battle of Badr
Allah is Ever Pardoning, Most Forgiving
Allah the Most Honourable, the Most Knowing
Allah, the Honourable, the Wise
Spoils of war
All praise is to Allah
Prays(Make Duwa)
Year(S) Word
Smokeless Fire
Smoke of Hell Fire
Lawful Foods
Luminus Book
Allah is the Beneficent, the Merciful
Allah Challenges to bring a Surah-like Quran
Man Creation
Great Day(Qayamah)
The Throne of Allah was on the water
Allah is a Guardian over everything
Prophets are warner to the people
Prophet Yusuf(Joseph)
Yusuf Saw a dream of eleven stars prostrating before him
Shab e meraj
Shab e meraj
Lote Tree
Sidratul Muntaha
Laat, Uzza & Mannat(Arab's Big Diety Names)
Prophet Nooh
Allah does not guide ungrateful liars
Allah, the only One, the Most Dominant
Allah is the Most Exalted in Power, the Most Forgiving
Allah Knows well the secrets of the hearts
Your Lord will give you so much that you will be pleased
Man thinks wealth will remain with him forever
Army of Abraha
Army of Abraha
Dreadful Calamity
Story of She-camel Killing(Surah Ash-Shams)
Allah the Greatest of all rulers
City Makkah
Allah has created man to work hard
Hazrat Abdullah bin Umm Maktoom
Prophet Muhammad knowledge of unseen
Measure Short(While selling)
Sijjeen(Seventh layer of the earth)
Illiyeen(A place in Seventh Heaven)
Tasneem (A pure spring in Jannah)
Allah, the Honourable, the All-Praiseworthy
Streams of Jannah
Greatest Success
Glorious Quran
By the earth
There is a Sign of Allah in the creation of Camel
People of Ad
Private part
Private parts
Slave Women
Slave Women
Shooting Stars
Fuel of Hell
Rememberance of Allah
Knowledge of unseen
19 guards in Hell For Punishment
By the moon
Hell is one of the greatest misfortunes
Animals names in Quran
Allah will join the bones on the resurrection day
People love the present life
The Jannati will drink the mixture of which is camphor
Fountain of Jannah
Vessels of silver
The serving boys of Jannah will look pearl white
The flame of Hell Fire will be life Lofty Buildings
Day of Decision
Devise a bad plan
Shade and fountains
After what revelation will you believe?
Pharaoh called himself God
The punishment of Pharaoh is an example for this world and hereafter
Body Part
On the day of Judgment, people will feel like they have stayed on earth for one day
Allah loves those who are Just
Jumah Prayer
Once Jumah prayer is finished dispersed in search of sustenance
Remembrance of Allah
The culprit will ask for a second life on the day of judgment
Day of gathering
Who controls oneself from greed is successful
Command of Allah
The fuel of Hell is Man and Stone
Infidel wife and son of Prophet Nuh
Believer wife of Firon/Pharaoh, Asiya
Allah is the Honourable, the Forgiving
There is signs of Allah in balancing of wings of Birds
Who willl provide rizq/sustainance if Allah withholds?
Dont compromise with non-believers
Companion of the Fish(Yunus a.s.)
Quran is not poetry
Fobidder of the good
Awake in the night for Prayer
You(Prophet Muhammad) are always under my(Allah's) eyes
Allah gives happiness and sorrow
It's easy for Allah to create everything Second time
Prophet Lut/Lot
Allah is Honourable and the Authoritative
So which of Allah's favor will you deny?
Two Jannah/Paradise
Hurain Will be inside the tents
Virgin Hurain
They lived the luxurious life in the world
Allah is a witness to all the things
Allah is Most Powerful the Honourable
O our Lord! Forgive us and our brothers who preceded
Allah is swift in reckoning
Qarun Korha
Earth has been created in two days
Heaven was created in two days
Enemy of Allah will be driven towards Hell Fire
Ears Eyes and skins will bear witness on the day of judgment
Quran is a revelation from the Wise, the Praiseworthy
Angels beg for forgiveness for those on the earth
Allah is the originator of the heavens and the earth
Allah is Gracious to devotees
Jannah is the great bounty
Allah is Forgiving, the Appreciating
Allah accepts repentance of His devotees and pardons
Had Allah provided equal sustenance to All, They would have rebelled
The creation of Heavens and earth is signs of Allah
Running of ships is Signs of Allah
Allah Creates whatever He wills
Allah gives Daughters and sons and keeps them barren
Allah speaks to Human Beings through the revelations
Who has created the Heavens & the earth, They say "Allah"
They say Angels are Allah's Daughter
Had Allah so willed we would not have worshiped Idols
Why Quran has not been revealed to the wealthy?
Who turns away remembrances of Allah Shaitan becomes His Friend
Shaitaan Hinders from the right path but they think they are right
Most Affectionate
Pharaoh did not believed even after several miracles
Pharaoh called Musa the magician
Pharaoh told I am better than Musa because he stammers
Pharaoh was drowned in Red Sea
The infidels would say, is Jesus better than our Deities?
The coming of Isa is the Sign of the Day of judgement
Painful Day
Friends will turn to foe on Day of Judgement
Enter Paradise with your wives joyfully
Hell Dweller will request from gaurd to end the Punishment
Hell Dweller will request from guard to end the Punishment
The bad plans of infidels write the Angels of Allah
Had there been the Son of Allah, I would be the first to worship
Allah is the lord of the heaven and the earth
When you ask the Infidels who has created you? They say, Allah
Overlook them and let them and wait for Allah's Punishment
Pharaoh was a tyrant haughty & and guilty of excesses
Allah is the Most Honourable the Most Merciful
Seeing clouds overjoyed, but that was destruction
Allah destroyed the people of Hud
Hudaibiyah Treaty
And Allah suffices as a witness
The Hour
Water Cycle
Luqman Prophet
Worship other than Allah (Shirk) is greatest sin
Mother bears the child, undergoing weakness
Allah is severe in punishment
Allah is Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy
Allah is the only Truth rest are false God
Allah regulates the affairs from the heavens and the earth
Allah is the Knower of every unseen and seen
Allah is Sufficient as Protector
Allah observes your deeds
Battle of Uhud
And this is easy for Allah
Sahabi name Zaid
Sahabi name Zaid mentioned in the Quran
Allah is Sufficient as a Reckoner
Allah and angels send blessings to Believers
Allah is Merciful to the believers
You are inviter towards Allah
Jinn does not have knowledge of unseen
Allah punishes the ungrateful
Allah is the best judge
I have greater wealth and children so will not be punished
Neither Your Children nor your wealth can bring closer to Allah
Whatever you spend in the way of Allah He will replenish it
O Mankind You are dependent on Allah not He
Blind and seeing can never be equal
Darkness and the light can never be equal
Companion of Hell Fire
The living and the dead can never be equal
You cannot make in their graves to hear
Who recite Quran Establish Salah and Spend in Allah's way are successful
Hell Fire for infidels
The Hell dweller will ask for death but will not be provided
The law of Allah will never change
Allah will give second life after raising on the day of judgement
Day of Requital
Lord of the universe
Peace Be Upon Ibrahim
Peace be Upon
Peace be Upon Musa and Harun
Peace be upon Ilyas
Angels are always ready for Allah cpmmand spreading the wings
Nearness of Allah
Prophet Ayyub
Allah asked Ayyub to strike the earth with feet and water came out
Ayyub and beating of his wife
Prophet Elias
Prophet Dhul Kifl
Roast in the fire
All praise be to Allah
Allah asks Moses to take off the shoes
Mount Tur
Samari -Who has created calf from ornaments
Prophet Idris
Ismail Prophet
Dhu al-Nun (Another name of Yunus)
laaa ilaaha illaaa Anta Subhaanaka innee
Prophet Zakariya
Prophet Yahya
Allah has forbidden town which Allah has destroyed with Azab
Yajuj Majooj
Quran is sufficient for the worshippers
Allah is witness of all things
Avoid Idol Worshipping
Respect the sacred things of Allah
While Sacrificing Animal Tie one foot and stand on three feet
Those who are driven out from home or Slain in the Path of Allah
Allah is most Loving,Affectionate to human beings
Guard Prayers (Regular Prayer)
Jannatul Firdaus
Baby Shaping in The womb
There are many benefits of Milk
Your religion is one religion so worship Allah only
Ask them Who is the Lord of the seven Heavens and the Throne
Grandeur of Allah
Whose scale will be light will remain in Hell forever
Allah will ask how many years did you live on earth, they say half hours
Curse of Allah is on the Husband who abuses his wife falsely
If the accusation of the wife is correct then curse be upon her
When you accuse any women of salander, bring four witness
Don't follow the footsteps of Shaitan
Shaitaan tells you about indecency
If you forgive the weak, Allah will forgive you
Dirty women for dirty men and good women for good man
You can enter the house without asking which is not resident
Restrain Yourself until Allah enrich you for marriage
Allah guides to His Light whom so ever He wills
Allah has ordered to raise His houses
There is privacy for your servants before Morning Prayer, After Night Prayer and Noon
When children reaches puberty maintain privacy 3 times
The older women can live without veil
Disabled and helpless should not feel burden in eating at friends or children house
Don't call the prophet like yourself or else painful punishment
Allah knows every secret of the heavens and the earth
Companion of Jannah / Ashabul Jannah
The devotee of Allah are who walk on the earth modestly
Allah grant us from our wives and offspring peace
Moses Prayed to Allah to become Haroon as messengers and accompany him
Allah is the Lord of the worlds
Pharaoh If you take God beside me, I will put you in jail
Moses threw down his staff hence it became a snake
After defeat in competition the magicians accepted Islam from Musa
Allah asked moses to travel in the night with children of Israel
Drowning of Pharaoh is a great sign of Allah
Allah is Mighty and Merciful
If you dont stop propagation, we will stone you
Allah decide between the believers and unbelievers
The people of Noah was drowned except believers
Prophet Hud
Prophet Salih / Salih
People of Thamud said you are man like us why obey you
Prophet Shoiab
Prophets told I ask no wages for preaching but Allah gives me
People of Shoaib called him bewitched
People of Shoaib said you are man like us why obey you
The learned children of Israel knew about Prophet Muhammad's arrival
O my Lord, grant me guidance - Duwa Sulaimani
Bird Hudhud
Queen of Saba
Throne(General Word)
Queen of Sheba sent present to Prophet sulaiman
Prophet Sulaiman rejected Bilqis gift
Throne of Queen of Sheba
Bilqis misunderstood glass as water
When trumpet will be blown everyone will be terrified except chosen ones
I have wronged my soul, therefore forgive me - Hazrat Musa
A well-wisher asked Musa to get away or Pharaoh will kill you
Marriage of Musa and Mehar was 8 years of service to his father in law
Pharaoh asked Haman to Build High tower with bricks to peep God
The non-believers will bear burden of other also whom he mislead
Allah punishes whom He wills and Saves whom He wills
Does false god creates and re-creation the things, Allah does this?
The provision Allah has given you Why you call yourself halal and haram
Awlia / Friends of Allah
Awlia / Friends of Allah
The friends of Allah have no fear no regret
They believe and keep up their duty
Glad Tidings in this world and hereafter also.No change in this
Christian Say Allah has begotten a Son. Allah is Holy, has no children
Moses Prayed to Allah to Punish Pharaoh and Harden his heart
Allah preserved the dead body of Pharaoh as a sign of Allah
Ask forgiveness from your Lord then repent to Him
Who do good deeds with patience there is great reward
People of Noah said, you are man like us
Noah Told, I have no treasure nor I have knowledge of unseen
Allah asked Noah to build Ark and dont pray for unjust
Non-believers laughed seeing the Ark of Noah
Every kind of pari male and female species embarked on Ark of Noah
Son of Noah told, I will save myself climbing on Mountain
Prophet Noah Prayed to Allah save his son
Every creature is under Allah control
If you do not believe in Allah, He will replace you with other
Allah curse was on People of Thamud
Ibrahim presented roasted Calf to the Angels
Wife of Ibrahim smiled when Angels told her she will be Mother
The people of Lut was destroyed by Baked Clay
The people of Shuaib we will not forsake your God
People of Hud
People of Saleh
People of Lut
People of Shuayb was destroyed by Roarng sund
Allah compares Disobedient with:
Ass who will bray in the Hell
Be not in the delusion and worship which the infidel worships
Allah is seeing your works
The blind and the seeing can never be same like believer and non-believer
Infidels Say Why not the Sign has been sent to me from Allah
I reply only on Allah for support
Had Allah sent Quran which could move mountains, still they would not believe
If you are thankful,will give more, if thankless, severe punishment
Prophets were told,stop preaching or else will banish you
The Kalima of Allah has deep roots and branches are high sky
Allah has made the sun and moon subservient to mankind
Make me establisher of prayer and my children too-Dua Ibrahim
Iblis was expelled from Heaven / Jannah
Allah cursed upon you till the Day of Judgement
Iblees Prayed to Allah to give time till day of judgement
Allah told you will have no control over true believers
Only misguided can be disappointed of Mercy of Allah
Wife of Lut was among the disbeliever
O Prophet Muhammad take the Muslims in your wings of mercy
Allah has created various kinds of lands
False God can never be equal to Allah
Those who left home oppressed there iis reward in boh the worlds
Had Allah punished for wrongdoing ,no creature on the earth would have survived
They dont like Daughter themself but Say Allah has daughter
Male and female belvier will be given good in this world adn hereafer also
Whoever turns infidels after believing , there is a great punishment for him
Allah is with those who fear and do good
Duwa - O our Lord, grant to us mercy from yourself
Sun changed its wy while passing the cave
Allah Turned their side when they wanted to
And never say of anything that I will do this tomorrow
The People of the Cave slept in the cave for 300 years
Maintain friendship with those who remember Allah often and avoid those who are neglectful
The wealth and children are adornment of the life
All shall be presented before your Lord standing in rows
Yahya was given prophethood in childhood
Yahya was very obedient
Yahya when he was born,will die and resuccrect
Gabriel Appeared to Mary in the form of Human being
Maryam was conceived from power of Allah
Maryam was told to hold Palm Tree and ripe dates will fall to eat
O sister of Harun. She was not biological sister but decedent
Peace be upon Isa when he was born, will die and raised alive
Ibrahim told his father Salaam and I will beg forgiveness for you
Prophet Idris was raised in the heaven and is alive there
Those who repent and do good deeds will enter into Jannah
Bridge of Sirat (Pul Sirat)
Bridge of Sirat (Pul Sirat)
Worship Allah and do good to your parents
Zaboor ( Book of Psalms)
Record in the Right hand
Allah will raise Blind, Deaf and Dumb who has gone astray
Guide us on the path you have favoured and not the astray ones
Pray and Give Charity
They think they deceive Allah but they deceive themselves
Allah asked to Adam names of All things and he told
Do not mix truth with falsehood
Prayer is difficult for Hypocrites
The calf worshippers repent and killed themselves
Allah hardened their heart like stone
Jews used to ask for Dua from Allah with Prophet Muhammad wasila for victory
Whoever learns and use Magi will have no share in hereafter
People of the book wish they could turn you back to Infidels
Wherever you turn there is the presence of Allah
Christian and jews will never be pleased with you until you follow their religion
Those who disbelieve in it, they are the losers
Allah will appoint you the leader for all the people
Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundation of Kaaba
Ibrahim asked his sons whom will you worship after me, they say Allah
Jews and Christians say follow us and you will be guided
For us are our deeds and for you are your deeds
Whom Allah has given knowledge, they recognize Prophet muhammad as they recognize their own son
Among you Allah has sent Prophet who teaches you verses of Allah
Allah accepts the prayer of the supplicant when he calls
Fight is obligatory upon you though you may dislike it
Fight in the sacred month is great sin
Mischief is more grievous than killing
Whoever turns back from faith their abode is Hell Fire
Wine has some benefits but their sins are far greater than their profits
Did you not see
Confer on us Your forgiveness
They seek forgiveness in the early hour Dawn
People of the Books were invited to read the Quran, some believed, and some denied
People of the book say Hell Fire will touch us few days only
Watu Izzu mantasha watu zillu mantasha
Allah is the protector of the believers
first House of worship established for mankind was at Makkah
You are the best people because you enjoin good and forbid bad
No soul can die except by permission of Allah
Allah loves the steadfast
Those who find pleasure in the sight of Allah can never be the same as those who incur His wrath
Do Not usurp property of orphans
Don not use excessive property of the orphans ,release property on maturity reached
Those who exploit orphans wealth feed only flames of Hell Fire
Obedience to Allah and His Messenger leads to Paradise
Disobedience to Allah and His Messenger leads to the Hell Fire
Four witnesses needed for adultery accusation of any women
House confinement until death for proven adultery
Punish both for the adultery but if they repent and reform, forgive
Allah forgives those who sincerely repent from sins committed in ignorance
Repentance isnt accepted from those who persist in wrongdoing until death, or die as disbelievers
Allah wants to be kind to you, but lustful desires lead you to the wrong path
Allah desires to ease your way, because mankind is created weak
Believers will enter into Hell Fire ayat 29 and 30
If you avoid major sins, Allah will forgive your minor sins.
Dont compete for wealth
Resolve wife husband dispute by appointing arbitrator from both sides
Jews would say RAINA which means we heard and disobey
Allah forgives any sin through His mercy, except for associating partners with Him
If they have wronged their souls, then o Prophet they should come to you
o Prophet, they cannot be a Muslim until they make you their judge
If we ordered them to kill themselves and leave their homes, only a few would obey.
Allah is Sufficient, Knower
The hypocrites say it was good that I did not participate in the war.
Why do you not fight for the oppressed, women and children
They ask you, why Allah asks us to fight , say the life is short
He who obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed Allah
Wont they see the Quran, If it wasnt from Allah, it would have contradictions
When greeted, reply with a better or equal greeting
They want you to become infidels like they did
Indeed prayer has been made obligatory, at fixed times
Seek forgiveness from Allah, who is Most Merciful
Committing a sin and then blaming others is itself a grave wrongdoing
Making peace between two conflicting groups is a noble endeavor
Those who oppose the Messenger after clear guidance will enter Hell
Satan makes false promises to deceive
Ibrahim was taken By Allah as Friend
Human hearts are entangled in greed
It is not possible for you to treat women equally however you try
Do Not incline to only one wife having other abandoned
If your religion is mocked at do not sit with them or else you will be also like them
When Muslim wins, they say I was with you and when infidels win they say the same
Hypocrites think they deceive Allah but Allah is aware of them
Whom Allah leads astray, never will you find for him a way
Hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of Fire
Allah gains naught from punishing gratitude and faith suffice
People of the Book seek another Book(Quran) from heavens
Allah cursed them for grave slander of Mariam
Jews say they have killed Jesus, but Allah say they did not kill be killed the resemble
Prophet Yunus (John)
Some Prophets names has been mentioned by Allah and some not
Prophets are sent with good Tidings and warnings so that man have no excuse
Those who commits infidelity and misleads other have gone astray
Indeed there has come clear argument and Light from Allah
Anyone who becomes after Muslim his entire work is destroyed
Seek Waseela(Means) to reach to Allah
Allah does not guide the infidels
Muslims, Yahud ,Sabians,Nasara believe in Allah, Last Day will get paradise
The Jews and polytheists are the Muslims dreadest enemies
Those who say 'We are Christians' are closest in friendship to Muslims.
Those who disbelieve and deny Our signs will dwell in Hell
Those whom I have given the book recognize Prophet as their own son
When they will see the Hellfire, they will say,return us to World, will be Muslim
Your Lord has prescribed mercy on Himself if you repent
The leaf that falls, He knows it
Luminous Book
I worship only who has created heaven and the earth
Allah raises in degrees whom He pleases
Ilyas Elijah
Ilyas Elijah
Quran is not but an admonition to the entire world
They say we will not believe until Quran is revealed to us directly
Whom Allah wishes to show the way, He opens his heart for Islam
Whom Allah wishes to lost his way, He makes his heart narrow, straitened
The say male cattle are lawful for eat and female cattle are unlawful
Prohibited Foods
Had Allah willed, we would not have committed polytheism
Shaitan told I will attack mankind from all sides and they will be ungrateful
Allah told hose who follow you, I will fill Hell with them
When you got to mosque wear good clothes
Eeat good food and wear good cloths
Everyone will receive what is written in their lot
Call on your Lord in humility and secretly
Types of Punishment
Prophet Salih spoke to dead people of Thamud
Pharaoh crucify his people for accepting Islam from Musa
O our Lord Pour us patience and cause us to die as Muslims
Moses asked Seek the help of Allah and have patience
Allah punished people of Pharaoh with years of calamity and scarcity of fruit
Allah sent punishment as Flood, locusts, lice, frogs, and blood to Pharaoh
Whenever punishment befall, Pharaoh would ask Moses to Pray to Allah
After destruction of Pharaoh children of Israel inherited Egypt land
Musa had gone to meet Allah for forty Nights making Harun vicegerent
Moses got angry at harun as why he allowed calf worship
Bani Israel did fishing on the day of sabbath also, Allah punished
People of the book was patched with the mountain for disobedience
If you give us a good child, we shall surely be grateful
Righteous does not become boastful of His worship
O Prophet the dust you sent, it was not you but Allah
The worst of the Animals are who are deaf and dumb
Infidels say if the Quran is truth rain down upon us the stones from sky
You desire the goods of the world, and Allah desires the Hereafter
Spoils of War is lawful for Muslim
Polytheists are unclean, let them not approach the Sacred Mosque
Jizya Tax
Jizya Tax
Who hoard gold and silver but spend not in Allahs path, a painful punishment.
Allah is the Lord of the Supreme Throne
Contextual Meaning. No Direct Meaning
Nor will intercession be accepted
Sinners..Inmate of Hell Fire..abide forever
Help other than Allah
Allah his Messangers and Believers are helper
Only Women name mentioned in the Quran
You cannot make the dead hear
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
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नूह ने कहा : ऐ मेरे रब! निःसंदेह उन्होंने मेरी अवज्ञा की और उसका[5] अनुसरण किया, जिसके धन और संतान ने उसकी क्षति ही को बढ़ाया।
तफ़्सीर देखें
और उन्होंने बहुत बड़ी चाल चली।
तफ़्सीर देखें
और उन्होंने कहा : तुम अपने पूज्यों को कदापि न छोड़ना, और न कभी वद्द को छोड़ना, और न सुवाअ को और न यग़ूस और यऊक़ तथा नस्र[6] को।
तफ़्सीर देखें
और निश्चय उन्होंने बहुत-से लोगों को पथभ्रष्ट कर दिया। तथा तू अत्याचारियों की पथभ्रष्टता[7] ही में वृद्धि कर।
तफ़्सीर देखें
वे अपने पापों के कारण डुबो[8] दिए गए, फिर जहन्नम में डाल दिए गए, तो उन्होंने अल्लाह के सिवा अपने लिए कोई मदद करने वाले नहीं पाए।
तफ़्सीर देखें
तथा नूह़ ने कहा : ऐ मेरे रब! धरती पर (इन) काफ़िरों में से कोई रहने वाला न छोड़।
तफ़्सीर देखें
निःसंदेह यदि तू उन्हें छोड़े रखेगा, तो वे तेरे बंदों को पथभ्रष्ट करेंगे और दुराचारी एवं सख़्त काफ़िर ही को जन्म देंगे।
तफ़्सीर देखें
ऐ मेरे पालनहार! मुझे क्षमा करे दे, तथा मेरे माता-पिता को, और (हर) उस व्यक्ति को जो मेरे घर में मोमिन बन कर प्रवेश करे, तथा ईमान वाले पुरुषों और ईमान वाली स्त्रियों को। और अत्याचारियों को विनाश के सिवाय किसी चीज़ में न बढ़ा।
तफ़्सीर देखें
नूजलेटर के लिए साइन अप करें